Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Nigeria shall Rise Again

Read: Eph. 6:18-19
More Lessons: II Chro. 7:13-14
Bible Reading in One Year: Job 21-24

Nigeria is a land of destiny. While the colonial masters, in the era of the scramble for Africa, were busy, especially in West Africa, splitting ancient kingdoms into national boundaries, Lord Lugard, the commander of the Niger area, amalgamated the Southern and Northern Protectorates of the Niger area into what is now Nigeria in 1914. With over 600 languages, Nigeria has remained united geographically from that time. Since her political independence in 1960, the country has witnessed political turmoil, civil war, riots, ethnic and religious violence, bad leadership leading to the plundering of the nation's wealth and subsequently, widespread poverty, and more recently the onslaught of terrorists threatening our corporate existence. That Nigeria has survived all the threats and still stands as a geographical entity shows that the hands of God are upon the nation.

In spite of the turn of events threatening Nigeria, God certainly has the nation in His agenda for the last days. Towards the middle of the last century, God sent a Scottish missionary by name Pa S.G Elton(of blessed memory) to Nigeria to prepare and ignite the Church in Nigeria for the end time move. The mighty move of God witnessed especially in the 1970s, culminating in raising global church leaders from the country, was as a result of the foundational assignment by the man of God. The era also brought economic wealth to Nigeria. Despite satanic confrontations of the Body of Christ in Nigeria, the country is only second to the United States in population of evangelical/pentecostal Christian and global church leadership today. Nigeria is the most populous nation in Africa and one of the most endowed with human and natural resources in the world. Her citizens are resourceful and making marks in the global sphere of human endeavours.

Yet economically and technologically, Nigeria is still 'a sleeping giant', retrogressing while other nations less endowed and without the knowledge of the one and only true God are progressing. God is depending on the Church to lead the nation in repentance and seek divine mercies for Nigeria to arise again spiritually, economically and technologically with the Church at the forefront of leadership to fulfil her end time destiny. Prophesy to Nigeria from the Bible readings of today.

* Oh Lord, move Nigeria forward, in Jesus’ name.
* Let every force of the enemy at work in Nigeria catch fire, in Jesus’ name.

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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The General Overseer and His Family

Read: Eph. 6:18-19
More Lessons: II Sam. 21:17
Bible Reading in One Year: Job 18-20.

A general overseer is a servant of God, called with a particular assignment or message to mankind. Such mission normally requires God calling or appointing other men (pastors and other church workers) to serve under the leadership of the general overseer. Overseeing men who work in church, ministry or commission is such a tremendous responsibility that only men that are genuinely called of God will be able to run the assignment with clear conscience before God and men, fight the good fight of faith and finish the course well.

The General Overseer of JAWOM Commission is our spiritual father (1 Cor 4:15), our prophet (Num 12:6), a Levite with his life wholly devoted to divine service (Num 8:14) and the light of Israel that must be shielded from strenuous and risky tasks (2 Sam 21: 17). Like the Levites and apostles of old, the General Overseer's life is wholly devoted to God (Num3:12), given unto prayers and the ministry of the word (Act 6:4). All JAWOMites and friends of the Commission must of necessity have a vital place for the ministry of the General Overseer in their heart by doing the following constantly: 1) Pray always for Daddy and Mummy Bakare for grace and utterance in making known the mystery of the Gospel. 2) Support him always in all his assignments as Aaron and Hur supported Moses (Exo.17:10-12), especially in church administration (Ex 24:14). 3). Give him and his family double honour at every opportunity, in his presence and absence. Honouring spiritual as well as biological parents earns a man prosperity and long life. 4) Care for him and his family financially and materially. No man ever gives sacrificially to men of God and lacks in the day of need.

To enjoy your full blessings and fulfilment under the ministry of the General Overseer, ensure you take heed to the following:
i) Don't despise him and his family. It is a dangerous thing to despise and speak evil of spiritual authority (Jude 8).
ii) Don't murmur about him (Num 14:36) or challenge his spiritual authority (Num 16: 1-4).
iii) Don't, by your action and inaction, make the work of the ministry difficult for him like Hymaneus and Alexander did to Paul and were penalised (1 Tim 1:20; 2 Tim 4:18). iv) Don't judge and condemn his actions, rather seek clarification and divine insight (Luke 6:37; 1 Cor 4:3. v) Don't rebel or gang up against him or his authority. God always defends His servants and severely punishes gangsters (Num12: 1-9).

* Oh Lord, preserve our general overseer and help him to fulfil your call over his life, in Jesus’ name.
* I declare an unending blessing upon the life and family of our general overseer, in Jesus’ name.

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Monday, January 20, 2014

God’s Commission

READ: Acts 13:1-5
MORE LESSONS: Eph. 4:11-12
Bible Reading in One Year: Job 14-17

A commission is an assignment given to someone or a group of people. The moment you are born again, you are automatically given an assignment or a ministry to fulfil. But you discover this assignment or ministry only when you continue to walk with God after salvation.

In our text, God commissions Paul and Barnabas, As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them. And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away: Acts 13:2-3. Paul did not get this assignment when he was persecuting the Church, rather, it was when he became a member of God's Kingdom and was actively involved in serving God with the other disciples of Jesus that he realised his calling. God will never commission sinners; therefore if you are not saved, there will be no place for you in God's vineyard to render service to Him, The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD: but the prayer of the upright is his delight: Prov. 15:8.

Since you became a child of God, have you identified God's assignment for your life? If yes, then do not procrastinate because delay is very risky. As soon as the Spirit of the Lord spoke to the disciples concerning Paul and Barnabas, they prayed and laid hands on them and released them for the assignment (Acts. 13:3-4). Another important factor in handling God's commission is faithfulness, which is doing the Master's assignment when He wants it and how He wants it done. God’s assignment is not done when you feel like or when it is convenient..

In the Master's vineyard, everyone that is born again has something to do, so don't be idle. During Jesus' earthly ministry, He was full of compassion for sinners, But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd: Matt. 9:36. Soul winning is an assignment for you, receive courage and start today. I admonish you with what a song writer says, Let none hear you idly saying, there is nothing I can do, while the souls of men are dying, and the Master calls for you, take the task He gives you gladly, let His work your pleasure be, answer quickly when He calleth, here am I, send me, send me.

Prayer/ Action
Ask God for grace to be faithful to the end in the assignment He has committed into your hand

Rebuke the spirit of slothfulness over your life

Ask God to give you at least one soul today

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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Goodness and Mercy

READ: Exo. 33:12-23
Bible Reading in One Year: Job 11-13

A life lived outside of God's goodness and mercy is full of frustration, pain and is purposeless. The presence of God in a man's life helps him find direction in the path of destiny and attracts His goodness and mercy upon such a man. A man experiences the presence of God when he embraces Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Saviour.

In our text, God granted Moses his request because He knew Moses by name, And the LORD said unto Moses, I will do this thing also that thou hast spoken: for thou hast found grace in my sight, and I know thee by name: Exo. 33:17. In verse 19, God also said unto him, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, Moses’ relationship with God gave him the privilege of seeing God face to face.

When God's goodness and mercy is upon you, you become unstoppable in life. Daniel was a man who enjoyed the goodness and mercy of the Lord. Even when his colleagues teamed up to eliminate him, they couldn't because God was with him. Rather than die, it was his enemies that eventually perished in the den of lions (Dan. 6:22-24).

The Psalmist has an in-depth understanding of the goodness and mercy of the Lord, and thus declares, Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever: Psa. 23:6. David knows the danger of living without God's goodness and mercy over his life and destiny.

The goodness and mercy of the Lord is so great that there is no human need that can ever exhaust it. The blind Bartimaeuse took advantage of the goodness and mercy of the Lord and he cried out to God with a loud voice, Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me: Mk. 10:47. Immediately, Jesus gave him attention, and he received his sight that same moment. Therefore, whatever may be your request today, believe that God will do it for you and it shall be yours, in Jesus name
Prophesy God’s goodness and mercy to your life today.

Declare that every good thing that God has in stock for you will come to you this year.

Manifest God’s goodness in your life today by sharing with someone the testimony of what the Lord has done for you.

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