Monday, March 3, 2014

Celebrate God by His Works

READ: Psa. 19:1-10
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 139:14
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Leviticus 5-7

What you don't get by praying to God, you will get by praising Him. Prayer will take you into the presence of God, and give you what you are asking for while praises will bring God from heaven into your situation. Imagine the Almighty vacate His throne in glory and come down to stand right before you and ask, ''What can I do for you?'' That is what praising God gives to you. It is good to give Him praise. Praise God for all His manifold works in creation because even the heavens declare the glory of God; and the skies proclaim the works of His hand (Psa. 19: 1). This means that when you consider the heavens, the firmaments and all nature, praising and glorifying God should be the spontaneous response from you. Each time you see the graphic works in the sky and the different designs, colours and formations of the clouds in the rain, you know this is beyond the fingers of man. Learn to observe, appreciate and enjoy nature; don't just live on earth like someone who never passed through it. Look at the mountains; some of them leaning and hanging as if they are about to fall, and they have been like that for ages without crashing down. Sometimes you look ahead of you and it is as if a mighty mountain is sitting in the midst of the road but you get there and realize that the road actually passes by the mountain side.
Then there are the waterfalls with water cascading down from the mountain tops every moment of the day for years, and you wonder where the source of the water is that it never dries. There is a water spring with warm and cold issuing from the same rock source. These and more should make us sing the song, “Oh Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder, consider all the works thine hands hath made...”. The heavens declare the glory of the Lord by their beauty- the beautiful things in nature announce the praise and glory of God in heaven. As you praise and glorify God in response to nature's beauty, the glory and beauty rubs on you and your life also begins to declare the glory of God. God makes your life so beautiful that things begin to happen such that when people see you, they cannot but praise God. People look at your life and say, ''As soon as I saw you, I just felt like praising God.'' Elizabeth said to Mary, For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy: Lk. 1:44. May you get to the point where your academics, health, career, finances and destiny begin to declare the glory of God.

* Ask God to make your life an example of His glory forever.
* Expose and destroy today whatever is the secret of reproach in your life, in Jesus’ Name.
* Prophesy a daily life of glory to your destiny.

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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Staying in Your Purpose

READ: 1 Cor.7: 20-24
MORE LESSONS: Phil. 3:7-14
Bible Reading in One Year: Leviticus 1-4

Grace becomes available when purpose is found. God endows grace on a man in the place of his purpose. And since a man cannot prosper nor make contact with heaven without grace, it means then that discovering your purpose is not only important for now but even for eternity. Y our eternity is tied to your purpose, and the moment you step out of what God has prepared for you to do, your eternity becomes jeopardized.
This is because when you are doing what God didn't design and wire you for, in the midst of it you will mess up. When you are functioning in your purpose, difficult jobs look so easy but without grace the easiest job on earth becomes the most difficult. God is not a waster of grace; He only gives you grace to do what He has sent you to do, not what He has not assigned to you. There is security and defense for a man inside his purpose. He might be going around in risky situations and be safe as long as he is pursuing God's purpose for his life. Please locate your purpose and don't copy another man's purpose because you may not survive what he is doing in his purpose. There is joy and accelerated promotion for a man inside his purpose. That is why the devil fights your purpose; he knows that life is easy if you find your purpose because everything you need is inside that purpose. You are dangerous to the devil in your purpose.
A young lady told me that God asked her to do something. She stepped out and saw everything God said to her coming true but she was also getting the greatest persecution, and so she wanted to quit and do something else. I told her to continue with what she was doing. If the enemy does not oppose a man's purpose what else do you think is his job? Purpose is the most fought battle on the face of the earth. When you are in the will of God, be prepared to get the hottest fight from the devil because he knows that if only you can stay in your purpose you become a threat to him. He wants to get you out of where you are defended to where grace is not available for you so that he can attack you when you make the slightest mistake.
Have you found something doing for God? Ask Him for grace for that assignment. Never be bothered about the size or type of the assignment, small or great, toilet or pulpit. Just ask for grace to fulfill God's purpose for that assignment. Don't get attracted to someone else's assignment, no matter how attractive it is. Abide in His grace and be a servant of Christ not a servant of your choice.

* Ask God not to hide your destiny from you. * Pray that nothing will be strong enough to distract you out of God’s assignment.
* Pray against every satanic confrontation targeted at uprooting you out of your purpose in life.
* Write down five possible threats to your life mission and in 30 minutes before the end of today pray against them.

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Saturday, March 1, 2014

Raising Men of Purpose

READ: Hab. 2:2
MORE LESSONS: Joel 2:7-8
Bible Reading in One Year: Matthew 26-28

One of the vital preparations for the coming of the Lord is building and raising men who will do the job. Our desire is that God will raise a new generation of men that will do greater things than we are doing. If God uses a man to raise a good number of people and send them, each to a nation of the world to make great impact, that is when the ministry of the man actually becomes global. Global impact and ministry is activated by raising men. In raising men, you have to identify and launch each man into what he has actually been called to do. The best result comes when a man is found doing exactly what he is called to do. You can't get the best of results by copying somebody else because you will always be behind the person you are copying. As a matter of fact, you can only copy what the man has done; you can't know the remaining concepts, ideas, dreams and visions inside him. He has a purpose and destination which his methods and actions are geared toward. Meanwhile, you can enter into error copying his methods because you don't know his purpose for those methods. Be sure you are doing exactly what God asked you to do and not just copying somebody. And when you do it, you can be sure your allocation will meet you in your location.
Get your priority right: put God first in your life. Making the most of life begins with recognizing that you are in destiny for a purpose. God didn't bring you here without a purpose. What God wants you to do and from which you are running away may actually just be the key to those things you think you are pursuing around. Be prompt in pursuing God's purpose for your life. Several people have made God to be prompt in attending to their matters by being prompt in what they are doing for God. The men the Lord is raising at this time are men of purpose and vision. They are those who will be able to stand upon their watch like Habakkuk said: I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me… And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it: Hab.2:1-2 (NIV). Finding men that will run with an assignment is much more important than the method of the assignment. However, don't ever forget that you are not raised for yourself; you are raise for others. God raised you and blessed you for others around you. I pray that in life you will be numbered among God's men of purpose.

* Father, open my eyes of understanding to know your full purpose for my life.
* Father, I receive wisdom to guide everyone under my tutelage that they might fulfill the purpose they are called to.

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Friday, February 28, 2014

How to be a Kingdom Builder

READ: Luke:17:20-21(NIV)
Bible Reading in One Year: Matthew 22-25

Jesus made so many references to His Father's Kingdom all through His teaching on the earth, both by parable and direct teaching, But seek ye first the kingdom of God....: Matt 6:33, ...the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye....: Mark 1:15, ...Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God....: Mark 4:11, ...Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God?....: Mark4:30, ...preaching the gospel,....: Lk.9:6. There are several more. The question is, What does Jesus mean by the Kingdom? The Bible teaches that the day is coming when Christ will return to the earth and establish a perfect kingdom where there will be no scandals, no corruption. It will be perfect and there He will rule perfectly as our Shepherd.

However, the Bible also teaches that the Kingdom of God is in our life today. That means the Kingdom is in you the moment you surrender your life to Christ and give Him control. When Jesus says, Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me....: Matt.11:29, He means that you are to surrender the direction of your life to Him, just as a farmer uses a yoke to direct his plow animals. In the same way, when Jesus says we are to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, He means that we are to seek the rule and reign of Jesus Christ above everything else in our life. His Kingdom is first and foremost a spiritual one. Jesus once said to pilate, ...My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight,....: Jn.18:36.

There are three ways by which we can bring the Kingdom of God to the earth. By prayer, Jesus taught the disciples to pray, ...Thy kingdom come....: Luk. 11:2. By the life you live, For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost: Rom.14:17. We cannot bring the Kingdom of God by force but by the life we live as a godly living will attract the world to God's Kingdom. Finally, we can bring down the Kingdom by preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Share the good news that Jesus can forgive all sins by His death and resurrection with the guilty and hurting world. Building the Kingdom of God does not mean changing the ways of the world but changing the hearts of people by prayer, exemplary living and preaching of the Gospel.

1. Pray that the will of God will rule in your heart.
2. Pray that you will be a Kingdom builder and not a destroyer.
3. Pray that the Word of God will prevail in the hearts of men globally.

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