Monday, March 3, 2014

Celebrate God by His Works

READ: Psa. 19:1-10
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 139:14
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Leviticus 5-7

What you don't get by praying to God, you will get by praising Him. Prayer will take you into the presence of God, and give you what you are asking for while praises will bring God from heaven into your situation. Imagine the Almighty vacate His throne in glory and come down to stand right before you and ask, ''What can I do for you?'' That is what praising God gives to you. It is good to give Him praise. Praise God for all His manifold works in creation because even the heavens declare the glory of God; and the skies proclaim the works of His hand (Psa. 19: 1). This means that when you consider the heavens, the firmaments and all nature, praising and glorifying God should be the spontaneous response from you. Each time you see the graphic works in the sky and the different designs, colours and formations of the clouds in the rain, you know this is beyond the fingers of man. Learn to observe, appreciate and enjoy nature; don't just live on earth like someone who never passed through it. Look at the mountains; some of them leaning and hanging as if they are about to fall, and they have been like that for ages without crashing down. Sometimes you look ahead of you and it is as if a mighty mountain is sitting in the midst of the road but you get there and realize that the road actually passes by the mountain side.
Then there are the waterfalls with water cascading down from the mountain tops every moment of the day for years, and you wonder where the source of the water is that it never dries. There is a water spring with warm and cold issuing from the same rock source. These and more should make us sing the song, “Oh Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder, consider all the works thine hands hath made...”. The heavens declare the glory of the Lord by their beauty- the beautiful things in nature announce the praise and glory of God in heaven. As you praise and glorify God in response to nature's beauty, the glory and beauty rubs on you and your life also begins to declare the glory of God. God makes your life so beautiful that things begin to happen such that when people see you, they cannot but praise God. People look at your life and say, ''As soon as I saw you, I just felt like praising God.'' Elizabeth said to Mary, For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy: Lk. 1:44. May you get to the point where your academics, health, career, finances and destiny begin to declare the glory of God.

* Ask God to make your life an example of His glory forever.
* Expose and destroy today whatever is the secret of reproach in your life, in Jesus’ Name.
* Prophesy a daily life of glory to your destiny.

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