Text: 2 Sam.24:4-10
More Lessons: Eph. 1:15-23
Bible Reading in One Year: Numbers 11-14
Though David was a man after God's heart, a few things he did were not pleasing to God. Nevertheless, we can draw out lessons and inferences from these things. In II Samuel 24, David wanted the children of Israel to be counted but Joab, the commander of the army, did not because he remembered that God's promise is that the seed of Abraham would be as numerous as the sand by the seashore that cannot be counted for multitude. Joab knew that counting the people was against God's will. Now there was a conflict of opinions between the king and the commander of the army, but in the long run, the king's word prevailed against Joab, and against the captains of the host. And Joab and the captains of the host went out from the presence of the king, to number the people of Israel. II Sam 24:4. This is superior strength and influence at work. King David was in the wrong position but the commander and captains had no choice but to submit and obey him; this is an example of superior influence, power and authority in operation.
What do you think is responsible for the commander of the army's submission even when he didn't like what he was told to do? Power and authority! This also happens in the spiritual. One brother was casting out a demon and the demon, unwilling to go, said, “Please leave me alone, Bro M.....” The demon had not left but the brother started celebrating: “Praise the LORD, he demon referred to me as brother!” This sounds like a joke but the truth is that it shows that the demon recognized his authority and superiority. No wonder after that cry, the demon responded to the command and left.
Goliath terrified everybody till David showed up. It was first a battle of words between David and Goliath, then the power of the Word came into action. As the child of the Most High God you have enough power to influence the earth and the heavens if only you know the enormous powers placed on you by redemption (Eph.1:19). This power includes but is not limited to the power in the name and Blood of Jesus, which is sufficient for all the battles of life and destiny. Today rather than cry, take hold of the power of God at your disposal.
By the time the battle ended, David went home with Goliath's head. That is one word prevailing over the other by spiritual influence and authority. You will prevail by God's authority, in Jesus ‘name.
* Thank God for the power of His Word to prevail at all times in all things.
* Command that God’s promises will swallow up every enemy’s threat over your destiny.
* Use the following scripture to terminate every enemy’s word over your life:
Psa. 18:37-38; 68:1
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