Saturday, March 8, 2014

Your Prosperity is God’s Will

READ: Psa.1 12:1-10
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Leviticus 20-23

The God we serve is not a poor God. There is, therefore, no Treason why a father is rich and the son is poor. If a man is poor while his father is rich, something is wrong; he needs to reconnect to his source. It is not right for a Christian to have such a great God and be small. If we serve God, we should be the best. Christianity is not about looking wretched. Poverty and righteousness are not kinsmen and they are not friends. In the past, men thought that when your shoes are worn out or your trousers are patched and your face is gloomy, then you are righteous. That is not Christianity. We need to desist from that perspective of Christian living and get the right understanding. You don't have to get to heaven with its streets of gold and be miserable because you rejected gold on the face of the earth. The dress Jesus wore when He was on the face of the earth was seamless. On the day He was to be crucified, the soldiers were casting lots to decide who would take the dress; that could not have been a rag. Give up wearing rags and a shameful look; you don't deserve such. Look good, look fine both inside and outside for that is the plan and the purpose of God for your destiny . Today’ s reading is a clear expression of God's plan for the righteous: v1. – the righteous is blessed. v2. – his seed shall be mighty on the earth. v3. – wealth and riches shall be in His house. v9. – he shares freely and gives generously to those in need. (NLT)
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness… Gen 1: 26. You are made like God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; what they can do, you too can do. They made the heavens and the earth, so you too can create your own world by your words. If your parents gave birth to you in poverty, create your own prosperity by the words of your mouth and by your relationship and connection with the God who made you. God made man to be master over all, so you shouldn't have God and be the one being pitied, kicked around and always borrowing money. This must change in Jesus’ name; you will not be a shame and reproach to the Kingdom. God created you to rule and He blessed you to have dominion over all things. You can only dominate from the top and that is your position, in Jesus’ name.

* Give God praise for His plans of prosperity for your life.
* Ask God to fulfill His counsel in III Jn.2 in your life from today.
* Declare that the inheritance of the wicked will not be your portion.
* Ask God to give you the blessing of riches according to His Word.

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