READ: Luke 9:10-17
MORE LESSONS:II Kings 4: 1-7
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Leviticus 24-27
The people mentioned in the text probably had food at home before they came to Jesus but after some days in the desert they were hungry. There was an abundance of the Word of God for the people but they lacked physical food. You need physical prosperity plus your spiritual vitality so that there won't problem. With God there ought not to be any form of dryness. When the disciples complained to Jesus that there was no food, they were announcing what they could see physically but Jesus told them to give food to the people because He saw what they couldn't see. Jesus was teaching them that to break the siege of dryness, you need to see w hat others can't see There are physical solutions to dryness but there is also a spiritual solution. Physical solution for a hungry man is to go and work. You have to do something your hands to end your drought and dryness. Even pastors, whether full time or those involved in 'tent making' like Apostle Paul need to be hardworking. Being a pastor doesn't mean going from house to house doing nothing and being a burden to people. When the Bible says he that does not work should not eat, it is also talking to the pastors.
To break the siege of dryness, change your confession: stop words. The disciples said what they had was too small but it was that same small that fed the five thousand. If you know what to do with your small, it can become great. Jesus took that which they called small, lifted it up to Heaven and blessed it and they ate and still had left-over. God's blessing ends dryness! Learn to present what you have for God to bless; ask for a blessing on your projects, businesses and work and the dryness on them will end. Also, speak prophetically to your dryness to end. Crying has never solved a problem. Learn to speak life! You can also end your dryness by divine wisdom. Go for divine wisdom to generate ideas on what to do and how to do it. The wisdom of God also links you to the right people and location to do it. Sometimes you only need to understand the principle of financial management.
There is a divine wisdom for sowing, saving, avoiding wastage and investing tomorrow. When you finish praying, take a step. Do something about the little you have. If you have a property, you could sell it and use the money for a profitable business. What is the need for a car you cannot fuel when you don't have a job? Sell it. Put the money into something productive; you will later buy a better one. The disciples kept serving the small food they had by believing in what Christ had said. If you want to terminate your dryness, sow a seed (Pro. 11:24). That is foolishness to men but with God that is the way.
* Rebuke the forces of famine over your work, in the name of the Lord.
* Release the power of increase and overflow upon your endeavours today.
* Lift your voice and pronounce blessings on your work, business, career and destiny.
* Ask your spiritual head to speak a word of blessing to your business this week.
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