Thursday, March 20, 2014

Topic: Fruitfulness I

Text: Gen 1: 20-31
More Lessons: Gen 21: 1-7
Bible Reading in One Year: Numbers 21-24

Fruitfulness means to bring forth an increase, to produce or reproduce. Fruitfulness predates man. In other words, before God created man, He had already ordained that everything He created would bring forth fruit. So your life and destiny must bear fruit. Fruitfulness was the gift God gave man after creation. The first major thing God did after He created man was to bless him: And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth: Gen 1:28.

Fruitfulness is not just a wish or mere desire, it's a commandment of God to man. It is a declaration, a decree from God. So when you are doing something and it is not bringing forth fruit, you should let that thing know that it is not obeying the law of God. Breaking the commandments incurs punishment as recorded in the Bible, therefore, whatever prevents your fruitfulness is an enemy of the Word of God; rebuke it. Fruitfulness is not limited to child bearing; if it was, we would have to conclude that Jesus was barren but this is obviously not so. The fact is that you and I are His spiritual children. Barreness is not only when a person does not bring forth a child naturally. Any child of God who has not led a soul to Christ, whether he brought forth children physically or not, is unfruitful. If you have led someone to Christ, then you are not barren. We should not always limit fruitfulness to biological child bearing.

Every time God said to be fruitful we see things brought forth; the birds of the air, the trees and fishes in the sea are all evidences of multiplication and fruitfulness by the commandment of God. The law of fruitfulness in the Scripture has never been contravened and it won't be broken in your life, in Jesus’ name.

When God wiped off the first earth, He asked Noah to bring the animals into the ark in their twos, which Noah did (Gen 6 :19). After the flood, the blessing of fruitfulness over the earth was repeated; And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth: Gen 9:1. That was the second time God was blessing the earth with fruitfulness. He did this to ensure that you are fruitful no matter what happens. By all means you shall be fruitful, in Jesus’ name.

* Release the spirit of fruitfulness upon your destiny.
* Rebuke every attempt of the enemy to make you stagnant and barren.
* Pray for everyone around you that the enemy has hindered from fruitfulness.
* Pray that you will never be barren of good things.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Breaker Anointing II

Text: Isa. 10:20-27
More Lessons: Isa. 61:1-7
Bible Reading in One Year: Numbers 18-20

Life is full of layers of obstacles and challenges. Whether white or black, rich or poor, sinner or saint, the barriers that life creates around us seem to be no respecter of persons and pedigree. The only thing that the storms and mountains of life respond to is the breaker anointing in Christ Jesus. Life does not favour complainers and murmurers, it only submits to people with definite empowerment from God on their lives. This empowerment is called the breaker anointing. It is the breaker anointing that displaces the enemy and installs you to ride upon your high places.

It took the anointing that shatters the yoke of satanic captivity for Moses to have led the children of Israel out of the land of captivity after almost half a millennium of slavery. It took a definite yoke destroying anointing for Joseph to pass from the pit to Potiphars wife's claws and prison and thereafter becoming the prime minister. The Bible is actually a testimony pack of ordinary men under the breaker anointing who recorded extraordinary feats, acts and victories.

We have often said the anointing breaks the yoke but that is not correct. The original rendering suggests rather that the yoke is broken because of the anointing. And the difference is that the anointing doesn't fall on the yoke to break it but rather when yokes fall, the yoke is broken because of the already resident anointing. So it doesn't matter how many yokes the enemy loads against you, and it doesn't matter what machinations are fashioned to take you out, because of the anointing that is already resident in you the yoke cannot hold up, it must be broken. Jesus put it clear when He said, the Spirit of the LORD God is upon me because he hath anointed me...that's the breaker anointing. He was aware that there was an anointing on His life that can take on any circumstance and bring it to its knees. He was sure. He was convinced. He was persuaded. He didn't just believe it, He knew it. He didn't just think it, He said it. It wasn't an assumption, it was an assurance. That is why He never fell sick or struggled with depression because the breaker anointing; (the Spirit of the LORD God) was upon Him. Life doesn't give you what you deserve, it gives you what you demand for. Place a demand on the anointing. Ask for the breaker anointing today and the difference will be clear.

* Thank God because He is the same yesterday today and forever
* Pray that God will fortify your life with the yoke shattering anointing of His Spirit afresh today
* Ask that by the anointing, every bad habit, oppression of the enemy and evil cycle of failure is broken now in Jesus’ name.
* Declare that you are walking in dominion power and whatever could not afflict Jesus will not afflict you anymore.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Breaker Anointing I

Text: Nahum 1:9-15
More Lessons: Gal. 5:22-23
Bible Reading in One Year: Numbers 15-17

We sing breakthrough in every song of faith and declaration. We pray for breakthrough at the slightest offense from the enemy. We rehearse all the promises of God that assure us of victory and breakthrough. In fact, some people have taken it to the extreme by coveting other peoples property and praying fire from heaven to consume everything that stands in the way of the next breakthrough. Do we really know what it means to have breakthrough the goldy way? A few questions, if answered will lead us to understanding the very nature and dynamic s of the breakthrough anointing of God’s spirit.

First, can we really experience any breakthrough we didn't have a go through? The answer is NO. David the king said even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, proving that he knew he had to walk through. There is a process and a path in purpose that we must walk through not fly over. I love to see miracles and instant healings happen by the supernatural power of God but we all can testify that not everything God does happens instantly. When we go through adversity , and the valley of the shadow of death, we develop our faith stamina. That is why patience and longsuffering are parts of the fruit of the Spirit.

Fruits are grown and gifts are given. The list in Galatians 5 is about fruit not gifts of the spirit because there is a growth process that must be observed and engaged without a skip before these virtues are released into our lives. God didn't promise us smooth sailing In fact He emphatically said, in this world you will have tribulation...but He promised us safe landing when He ended thus of good cheer I have overcome the world. This is the confidence we have to live because Jesus overcame, we too in Him will always overcome. I call it the breaker anointing. Whatever it collides with is inevitably broken and whatever resists it is surmounted. Jesus demonstrated it in His life and ministry. There was never a time He had a need that couldn't be met and He never faced a situation that He couldn't fix. It is the overcomers’ life. So be encouraged today over that pain that seems like it will never end its only a process. It is not the end of the matter. It can only get better. Don't throw in the towel.

Prayer/ Action
* Thank God because by the reason of the anointing every yoke released against your life is broken.
* Pray that the Lord will teach you to wait on Him even when it seems like breakthrough is not forthcoming and you will develop the fruit of the Spirit in the process.
* Ask that the breaker anointing will crash into every situation that has resisted you thus far and create positive results.
* Decree that the Spirit of the Lord God is upon you for good today.

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Monday, March 17, 2014

Word Prevailing

Text: 2 Sam.24:4-10
More Lessons: Eph. 1:15-23
Bible Reading in One Year: Numbers 11-14

Though David was a man after God's heart, a few things he did were not pleasing to God. Nevertheless, we can draw out lessons and inferences from these things. In II Samuel 24, David wanted the children of Israel to be counted but Joab, the commander of the army, did not because he remembered that God's promise is that the seed of Abraham would be as numerous as the sand by the seashore that cannot be counted for multitude. Joab knew that counting the people was against God's will. Now there was a conflict of opinions between the king and the commander of the army, but in the long run, the king's word prevailed against Joab, and against the captains of the host. And Joab and the captains of the host went out from the presence of the king, to number the people of Israel. II Sam 24:4. This is superior strength and influence at work. King David was in the wrong position but the commander and captains had no choice but to submit and obey him; this is an example of superior influence, power and authority in operation.

What do you think is responsible for the commander of the army's submission even when he didn't like what he was told to do? Power and authority! This also happens in the spiritual. One brother was casting out a demon and the demon, unwilling to go, said, “Please leave me alone, Bro M.....” The demon had not left but the brother started celebrating: “Praise the LORD, he demon referred to me as brother!” This sounds like a joke but the truth is that it shows that the demon recognized his authority and superiority. No wonder after that cry, the demon responded to the command and left.

Goliath terrified everybody till David showed up. It was first a battle of words between David and Goliath, then the power of the Word came into action. As the child of the Most High God you have enough power to influence the earth and the heavens if only you know the enormous powers placed on you by redemption (Eph.1:19). This power includes but is not limited to the power in the name and Blood of Jesus, which is sufficient for all the battles of life and destiny. Today rather than cry, take hold of the power of God at your disposal.

By the time the battle ended, David went home with Goliath's head. That is one word prevailing over the other by spiritual influence and authority. You will prevail by God's authority, in Jesus ‘name.

* Thank God for the power of His Word to prevail at all times in all things.
* Command that God’s promises will swallow up every enemy’s threat over your destiny.
* Use the following scripture to terminate every enemy’s word over your life:
Psa. 18:37-38; 68:1

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