Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Kindred Spirit

READ: Acts 6: 1-6
MORE LESSONS: Gen 14: 8-16
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Deuteronomy 17-19

The word kindred refers to a group of people who are related either by marriage, birth or association. The kindred spirit is the bond that exists between a people and that motivates or inspires them to go the extra mile to do things for one another. In other words, kindred in the spiritual realm means a spiritual affinity or bond. The wrong type of kindred spirit among believers is when we do things on the basis of tribal and ethnic groups. If within the church, you give certain privileges to a fellow tribesman, whether he merits it or not, that is a negative display of kindred spirit. Evil thrives when people are ruled by negative kindred spirits because they are blindfolded by tribalism. One of the first things I was taught as a believer is that a brother in the faith is more important than an unsaved blood brother. In those days you hardly saw a Christian brother staying with his own ‘brother’ who was not born again; he would rather live with a Christian brother. The Blood of Jesus that binds us together is stronger than tribal ties. The Spirit of Christ inside us makes us attach more importance to spiritual bonds than to natural ties.
As we read in today’s text, in the early church, as the number of the disciples increased there was a problem between the Hellenists and the Hebrews. The Jews were giving all the food distribution to their own widows and overlooking the Hellenist (Grecian) widows. This is not the kind of thing we want to see in the Church. Any tie or privilege that sets people against one another in the Church is negative kindred spirit. Now when I went to Troas to preach the gospel of Christ and found that the Lord had opened a door for me, I still had no peace of mind, because I did not find my brother Titus there. So I said good-by to them and went on to Macedonia: II Cor 2:12-13(NIV). This is the positive kindred spirit at work: when you see an open door and refuse to rest until you make your brothers in the faith to be partakers; when you go looking for a brother or a sister you no longer see in church; when for the sake of the love of Christ you go to any extent to care and help fellow members of the Body of Christ. It is only then you can say you have a positive kindred spirit. This is the kind of spirit in the children of darkness, the occultic and the children of the bond woman that has brought them great strength and unity. Members of the body of Christ ought to do better than those in the world because the Blood of Jesus that binds us together is stronger. And it is only by so doing that the world will see Jesus in us, if we love one another.

* Rebuke every strength of negative kindred spirit in our commission.
* Pray that the love of Christ will supersede every relationship.
* Pray that you will be an example of positive kindred spirit.

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Uprooting Every Reproach II

READ: Jer . 32:26-27
MORE LESSONS: Mark 11: 21-23
Bible Reading in One Year: Deuteronomy 13-16

There is no reproach too great to be uprooted by God. There is no demonic oppression, failure, sickness, academic or career challenge or family problem that God cannot uproot. But the Lord is asking whether you believe He can do it: Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me? He is asking, 'Do you believe in my power to uproot anything that is a reproach in your life? Our inability to put an end to the reproaches in our lives lies in not believing the power of God to uproot them; the beginning of failure is not believing in God.
We can engage faith in God to uproot these trees by doing a number of things: Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not: Jer. 33:3. Call on God for whom nothing is impossible. When a matter gets too big for a man to handle, he hands it over to a superior. Hand over that issue to God by simply calling aloud to God.; you don't have to wait for extra anointing or extra number of people to do this. Produce your cause, saith the LORD; bring forth your strong reasons, saith the King of Jacob: Isa. 41:21. You have to present your strong reasons to God. T ell Him why He must uproot what the enemy has planted in your life, and the greatest reason is the Word of God. When you call on God and show Him His promises in Scripture to uproot the reproaches in your life, that is the strongest reason because heaven and earth may pass away , but His Word will not pass without being fulfilled (Jer . 32:27). And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away. And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God Mk. 11: 21- 22. Jesus cursed the tree because it refused to produce fruit. The tree's offence is that God created it to bear fruit but it didn't so the Lord uprooted it by the Word of His mouth. Similarly, anything that is not bearing good fruit in your life is not a planting of the Lord; uproot it.
Today, Jesus is waiting for you to do what He did. He is waiting for you to speak aloud against every evil dream, every negative word, inherited sickness and every tree in your life that the Father has not planted. It shall be uprooted with your tongue which is sharper than a sword. Today , say to that reproach '' I curse you, in the name of Jesus ''.

* Sing a song of praise to the God who is higher than every mountain.
* Command every affliction in your life to dry up with immediate effect.
* Announce a curse against every tree in your life that God has not planted.
* Give God thanks for His power to overturn the enemy's position in your life.
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Friday, April 4, 2014

Uprooting Every Reproach I

READ: Matt. 15:12-13
MORE LESSONS: Matt 21: 12-1
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Deuteronomy 10-12

But He answered and said " every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up: Matt. 3:10’’. There are certain things that find expression in a man's life and destiny which are not the doing of the Almighty and are not pleasing to Him. Some of them are inherited evil traits, curses, sicknesses, diseases and struggles that are transmitted through genealogies. These things happen in people's life without God's approval. Jesus refers to such as the trees that the Father has not planted and they need to be uprooted. Some believers think everything happens to them is the will of God; they say, '' If God doesn't want it there, it cannot be there''. That sounds correct but it is not true. Things can happen in believers' lives that are not authored by God, that is the reason Jesus described them as trees. If you know something about trees, you will know there are some trees that are not wanted, planted nor fertilized by the farm owner but they still keep growing.
Hazardous weather doesn't seem to affect them; even when the leaves dry off in the dry season, they start growing by the next raining season unless they are uprooted. No matter why and how these plantings of the enemy came to be, a sound knowledge of who you are in Christ Jesus is sufficient to terminate every reproach. The Scripture says: …for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye. Zach. 2:8 …for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee,…: Isa. 49:25. However, you must make up your mind to be angry with the reproach and take definite divine actions against those reproaches through God.
Do not be indifferent about anything that is of the devil in your life; uproot them. There is no reproach in a man's life that should be ignored. Jesus exhorts that you are to deal with every matter in your destiny that is not the will of God and He specified how; ‘Uproot it!’ Uprooting means to eliminate completely that it will never rise again; it is total and not partial or half-hearted. Whatever it takes: studying the Word, fasting, corporate prayer or laying on of hands by a spiritual father; give it what it takes. Only make sure that the reproach is uprooted. No matter how great or how long the reproach has been, I am glad to let you know that God can and will do something about your life and situation today. That which you hate will no longer be seen in your life, in Jesus’ name.

* Declare every reproach over your life ended today.
* Take one promise of God and declare it against the devil’s work in your life.
* Declare that as a temple of God, your body is not for satanic activities.

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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Forgiveness by the Blood

READ: I John 2: 1-2
MORE LESSONS: Prov 28: 1
Bible Reading in One Year: Deuteronomy 7-9

An important dimension to forgiveness is the need to forgive yourself of the mistakes and errors of the past so that you can overcome guilt and inferiority complex. You might be disappointed about some things you have done in the past but you need to rise again from the fall and go on ahead with God. Satan rejoices in seeing us fall into sin and remain fallen, but God rejoices in seeing us get up out of our fall and overcome it. The devil always tries to remind you of the sins and mistakes of yesterday. When Satan reminds you of your yesterday, you should remind him of the cross. There may be imperfections and mistakes as we live day today but we shouldn't because of this give up on ourselves. We must learn to accept that we occasionally stumble. Forgiving oneself is part of the blessings of the cross.
A lot of people today are in crisis because they cannot forgive themselves. We should deal with guilt by the Blood of Jesus so that the enemy will not use it against us. A guilty conscience is dangerous. Most suicide cases stem from a feeling of being disappointed about something and refusing to accept help. Not forgiving oneself can be as a result of pride, as some feel too big about a mistake they made that they find it difficult to forgive themselves. This pride gives room to Satan to penetrate deeper into their lives. When you refuse to forgive yourself you simply believe that no future or opportunity exists for you anymore. But I am glad to announce to you today that through the Blood of Jesus there is a better tomorrow for you. My little children, these things have I written unto you that ye sin not: I John 2:1. Sin can never be justified no matter who commits it; sin has no approval in scriptures. But if any man sin…,That is a conditional statement.
God doesn't expect or want us to sin but He made a provision in case it happens. …we have an advocate with the Father. An advocate is one who pleads on behalf of another. Jesus who died on the cross of Calvary is our advocate with the Father, who pleads our case. He knows our frame and because of His righteousness He can stand before the Father from where He points to His Blood on the cross to obtain forgiveness for us. If God has forgiven us, we should forgive ourselves. Calvary, therefore, is the place for self forgiveness. …and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world. No matter what you have done, today it is time to say, 'Jesus, I accept your gift of forgiveness.'

* Give thanks to God for providing the gift of forgiveness and cleansing by the Blood of Jesus.
* Reject every satanic suggestion that God can no longer forgive you.
* Ask God for the blessing of “go and sin no more”.

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