Friday, April 4, 2014

Uprooting Every Reproach I

READ: Matt. 15:12-13
MORE LESSONS: Matt 21: 12-1
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Deuteronomy 10-12

But He answered and said " every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up: Matt. 3:10’’. There are certain things that find expression in a man's life and destiny which are not the doing of the Almighty and are not pleasing to Him. Some of them are inherited evil traits, curses, sicknesses, diseases and struggles that are transmitted through genealogies. These things happen in people's life without God's approval. Jesus refers to such as the trees that the Father has not planted and they need to be uprooted. Some believers think everything happens to them is the will of God; they say, '' If God doesn't want it there, it cannot be there''. That sounds correct but it is not true. Things can happen in believers' lives that are not authored by God, that is the reason Jesus described them as trees. If you know something about trees, you will know there are some trees that are not wanted, planted nor fertilized by the farm owner but they still keep growing.
Hazardous weather doesn't seem to affect them; even when the leaves dry off in the dry season, they start growing by the next raining season unless they are uprooted. No matter why and how these plantings of the enemy came to be, a sound knowledge of who you are in Christ Jesus is sufficient to terminate every reproach. The Scripture says: …for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye. Zach. 2:8 …for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee,…: Isa. 49:25. However, you must make up your mind to be angry with the reproach and take definite divine actions against those reproaches through God.
Do not be indifferent about anything that is of the devil in your life; uproot them. There is no reproach in a man's life that should be ignored. Jesus exhorts that you are to deal with every matter in your destiny that is not the will of God and He specified how; ‘Uproot it!’ Uprooting means to eliminate completely that it will never rise again; it is total and not partial or half-hearted. Whatever it takes: studying the Word, fasting, corporate prayer or laying on of hands by a spiritual father; give it what it takes. Only make sure that the reproach is uprooted. No matter how great or how long the reproach has been, I am glad to let you know that God can and will do something about your life and situation today. That which you hate will no longer be seen in your life, in Jesus’ name.

* Declare every reproach over your life ended today.
* Take one promise of God and declare it against the devil’s work in your life.
* Declare that as a temple of God, your body is not for satanic activities.

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