READ: James 1:12-15
MORE LESSONS:1 Cor . 10:13
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Luke 7-9
The devil did not and cannot create anything. God alone is the Creator-King. Everything he manipulates were made by God and they belong to God’s children. But it is often said that if the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable. What he does is to try to abuse and pervert the original purpose for which they were created. For instance, God ordained sex as a marriage celebration of the covenant of Christ and the church; but this is one of his most powerful tools satan uses in destroying mankind today. Though God made them and He saw that they were good, the enemy tries to tempt people to use them against the will of the One who made them so that we transgress the will and intention of God and thus face the consequences. There is nothing that the devil has used and will use to tempt children of God that was not originally meant for us. His strategy is to make us use God’s property at the wrong time, with the wrong motive or with the wrong person. Even though cocaine has health and medical purposes, taking it without doctors’ prescription is abuse and slow suicide. Also grapes are sweet and healthy but when allowed to ferment they could become alcoholic. Too much alcohol damages liver cells and eventually causes death.
It is pointless to yield to someone who has nothing original to offer. The day we realize that the devil has nothing to offer for himself and all things are ours including the things he is tempting us with, we will stop being easily enticed by the sinful lusts he presents to us. It is our Father’s creation he uses to tempt us against our Father. What a great truth that can help to keep the devil under our feet. When next that old serpent comes to lure you into sin, tell him you cannot take anything from him even with a long spoon because he is a liar and non of the things he presents are actually his. Settle it in your heart that you will rather listen to the voice of God your father rather than the suggestions of an old schemer. Nothing paralyses the tempter like telling him you know the end of his schemes and snares. When the tempter came to Jesus, He didn't think, ponder, seek counsel or even pray.
There might not be enough time for that, rebuke him aloud. The many times as he tempts you should be the same number of times you respond with a definite word to prohibit, disallow and rebuke him.
* Thank God for giving you all good things freely to enjoy
* Pray for wisdom and discernment in handling the pranks for the enemy at the junction of temptation
* Ask for boldness and power to shut the devil up when he raises evil suggestions against the will of God for your life.
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