READ: Matt. 27: 24-31
MORE LESSONS: I Pet. 2: 22-24
Bible Reading in One Year: Joshua 22-24
In continuation of the shedding of the Blood of Jesus from different parts of His body and the application to our lives, we realise that His Blood was shed by the stripes He received to purchase our healing. One of the parts of His body where the precious Blood was shed was His head on which thorns were pressed into as a crown. And then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand and knelt in front of him and mocked him. "Hail, king of the Jews!" they said: Matt 27:29 ( NIV). The head represents the destiny of a man. The implication of the Blood shed from the head is that we have been redeemed from every curse. When man sinned at the beginning, God pronounced a curse on the ground to bear thorns and thistles and the man to labour much and get little (Gen 3: 14-19). When Jesus came, the same thorns and thistles were made into a crown and placed on His head. The Blood that came out destroyed the curse and redeemed man from the curse. If the curse God placed at the fall of man can be redeemed by the Blood of Jesus, it will do more much on the curse placed on you by men.
The head represents the best of a man while the thorn represents the curse against the best. So when blood came out of the head it simply was saying: “The curses are destroyed and the best of your life will now start to come out.” His Blood was also shed from His hands that were nailed. Beloved, the Blood that came out of the hands of Jesus was for a purpose. The hand is the place of productivity. You have the right to stretch forth your hands and demand by the Blood that was shed from the hands of Jesus that every non-productivity, poverty and life of labour be terminated. Your hands shall begin to bring forth result, in Jesus’ name. They also nailed His legs. This also has an implication for you; the legs are for movement, that is, making progress. When a man is stagnant in destiny, he needs to engage the Blood of Jesus. By the reason of the Blood that was shed from His feet, every blockage in your pathway in life is cleared, Amen. He begins to make a way where there is none and by the Blood that gushed out of His side we have victory over barreness of all kinds. The Blood of Jesus is the key to all round victory. I apply the blood to every location of any challenge in your life. Take your victory now. Don't watch the enemy ruin your destiny as if you are helpless. Jesus Blood is available and sufficient.
* Lay your hands on your head and plead the Blood of Jesus on your spirit, soul and body.
* Command every stranger to bow out of your life now by the authority of Jesus’ Blood.
* Speak to every part where the blood was shed and command the blessing therein to manifest upon you.
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