Friday, April 25, 2014

Seed Faith II

READ: Gal 6: 6-7
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Luke 18-21

We have talked about the importance of seed sowing for a great destiny but I want you to know that seeds are not limited to money. There is no man on the earth that doesn't have a seed to sow. Time is a seed. You can sow a seed of time by finding time to attend to other people and visit them. When you sow your time to attend to people, you will be surprised how people will rise up for you when you need men. So many people complain that they had an occasion to celebrate and people didn't turn up. They should have been sowing seeds of time to other people before it was their turn. If you have been giving attention to people, they also will arise for you one day. The words of your mouth are seeds. If you always encourage and cheer people up, you will never be downcast without somebody rising to help. But if you are someone who always loves to slander, backbite and run people down with your words, you will harvest it. The Word of God is a seed. When you are studying, learning, meditating and memorizing the Word of God, you are sowing seeds into your destiny. You will reap a bountiful harvest! For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting:. Gal 6:8. Prayer is also a seed. You are sowing seeds into your future when you pray and also when you intercede for other people. Great men are prayer givers not just prayer collectors. When they see things going wrong somewhere or with someone; rather than gossip, they go into their closet in fasting and prayer till they see a change.
In a gathering, there are people who sow seeds of prayer and there are people who sow seeds of discord and disagreement between brethren. Whichever you sow, that you will harvest. You could sow also the seed of praying for missionaries in the field at their hour of need and also for people you see around you.
Finally, the way a man lives his life is a seed. If you live a reckless, sinful or promiscuous life, you will reap it. If you are a first class liar, one day it will catch up with you. Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned? Prov 6:28. Whoever digs a pit will fall into it, And he who rolls a stone will have it roll back on him: Prov 26:27 (NKJV). A single person can't live a reckless life and at the end of the day expect that somebody who has kept himself pure is coming to marry him/her. This is the reason you should be living your life as a seed worthy of the future you want to have.

* Pray that nothing will be too big for you to sow to God.
* Pray that your life will be a worthy seed for a happy eternity.
* Pray that God will help you not to sow a seed which you will hate to harvest.

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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Seed Faith I

READ: Gal 6: 7-8
MORE LESSONS: II Cor . 8: 6-12
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Luke 14-17

Life is about seed sowing and everything in life is a product of a sown seed. Everything you see in life came to be by a seed sown by someone. Even redemption came through the seed of God sown into us. Seed sowing means being able to let go something of value that you would have enjoyed so as to create something you were promised.
One of the greatest ways to live is to live a life of seed sowing. Anyone who knows the secret of sowing seeds will never lack harvest. There is no point for a man to pray for a harvest unless he has sown a seed. Has God promised that He will multiply and bless you in destiny? You can go ahead and activate that promise by sowing seeds. Each time somebody gives a testimony and you sow a seed of thanksgiving on behalf of that person, you have by so doing activated a similar harvest for yourself. Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. Lk. 6:38. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap: Gal 6:7. But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully: II Cor 9:6. Until you sow, you shouldn't expect a harvest; and the level of seed you sow also determines the level of harvest you will reap.
If somebody is getting married and you are trusting God for a home, go ahead and contribute to the wedding. If somebody gave birth to a baby, sow a seed to that child and you will receive yours. If you develop a life of seed sowing, you will destroy lack in your life because poverty rules over the lives of those who don't know how to sow seeds. Now He that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness: II Cor 9:10.
There is the supernatural law of multiplication on seed sowed. If you want to multiply in destiny, you should not be motivated, pushed or asked before you give. It should be your principle of life, not just in church but anywhere you are found. Make up your mind to be a seed sower from today and you will see how God can make you a man who never lacks harvest even in harsh conditions.

* Ask God to help you live a life of seed sowing.
* Pray that your harvest shall not be hindered.
* Pray that your seeds of old will begin to bear fruit.
* Pray that the pressures of life will not hinder you from being a seed sower.

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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What to do when the tempter comes II

READ:1 John 2:16-26
MORE LESSONS: Heb. 4:14-16
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Luke 10-13

God doesn't force or compel anybody to believe or obey Him. It was He who handed us the power of choice and free will and therefore we have the liberty to choose what to do, when to do it and why we want to do it. It is also worthy of note that God will never condemn a believer. Jesus took all the condemnation streaming from God’s full wrath on the cross of Calvary so there is no condemnation left for a Christian. His Spirit will only convict you of sin by leaving a signal in the witness of your conscience that you have crossed the line. Thereafter, the red light alarm goes out in your inner man. As soon as you repent from it, peace and tranquillity return. If you have ever felt condemned after you did what was wrong, then that was not the Holy Spirit. It was the enemy. Romans 8:1There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
No scheme of the enemy is new. It is the same way he tempted our fathers of old that he still tempts us today. He is without innovation. He is predictable. With the full amour of God no devil hatched from the pit of hell can penetrate your sanctification. Serpent tempted the woman using three classes of temptations. First, she saw that it was good for food that describes the lust of the flesh. Secondly, she saw that it was pleasant to the eye that speaks of the lust of the eye. And thirdly, she saw that the tree is to be desired to make one wise, pointing to the pride of life. After she was tempted on these three dimensions, she fell. The same pattern is found thousands of years later when in Mark 4, satan tempted Jesus. He asked him to turn stone into bread - lust of the flesh. Then he asked him to cast Himself down so that angels will pick him up- the lust of the eye. And lastly he asked Jesus to bow down and worship him - the pride of life. When the first Adam went through these three classes of temptation, he fell, but Glory to Jesus, the last Adam; He didn't fall, rather the devil fled for a season. You might have lost like the first Adam, but in Christ you are a winner. James 4:7 tells us what to do when the tempter comes "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."

Prayer/ Action
* Thank God because his word contains solutions to everyday issues of life.
* Pray that you will not fall prey to all the lusts that the enemy tempts us with in the overcoming name of Jesus.
* Ask for power to submit to God and audacity to resist the devil continually.
* Decree that you have overcome in Jesus Christ. Declare that you will enjoy this victory everyday of your life in Jesus’ name.

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

What to do when the tempter comes I

READ: James 1:12-15
MORE LESSONS:1 Cor . 10:13
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Luke 7-9

The devil did not and cannot create anything. God alone is the Creator-King. Everything he manipulates were made by God and they belong to God’s children. But it is often said that if the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable. What he does is to try to abuse and pervert the original purpose for which they were created. For instance, God ordained sex as a marriage celebration of the covenant of Christ and the church; but this is one of his most powerful tools satan uses in destroying mankind today. Though God made them and He saw that they were good, the enemy tries to tempt people to use them against the will of the One who made them so that we transgress the will and intention of God and thus face the consequences. There is nothing that the devil has used and will use to tempt children of God that was not originally meant for us. His strategy is to make us use God’s property at the wrong time, with the wrong motive or with the wrong person. Even though cocaine has health and medical purposes, taking it without doctors’ prescription is abuse and slow suicide. Also grapes are sweet and healthy but when allowed to ferment they could become alcoholic. Too much alcohol damages liver cells and eventually causes death.
It is pointless to yield to someone who has nothing original to offer. The day we realize that the devil has nothing to offer for himself and all things are ours including the things he is tempting us with, we will stop being easily enticed by the sinful lusts he presents to us. It is our Father’s creation he uses to tempt us against our Father. What a great truth that can help to keep the devil under our feet. When next that old serpent comes to lure you into sin, tell him you cannot take anything from him even with a long spoon because he is a liar and non of the things he presents are actually his. Settle it in your heart that you will rather listen to the voice of God your father rather than the suggestions of an old schemer. Nothing paralyses the tempter like telling him you know the end of his schemes and snares. When the tempter came to Jesus, He didn't think, ponder, seek counsel or even pray.
There might not be enough time for that, rebuke him aloud. The many times as he tempts you should be the same number of times you respond with a definite word to prohibit, disallow and rebuke him.

* Thank God for giving you all good things freely to enjoy
* Pray for wisdom and discernment in handling the pranks for the enemy at the junction of temptation
* Ask for boldness and power to shut the devil up when he raises evil suggestions against the will of God for your life.

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