Monday, April 28, 2014

The Zeal of the Lord of Hosts

READ: Jn.2:12-17
MORE LESSONS: Rom. 12: 9-11
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Judges 5-8

Zeal is not only a human affair; even God has zeal. God can do things with zeal. There are acts of God in which He engages all His zeal. . . . The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this: Isa 9:7. God has zeal to bless. When you are zealous for God you court His zeal to respond to you in blessing. With zeal He can also cause His fury against your enemies to end. Thus shall mine anger be accomplished, and I will cause my fury to rest upon them, and I will be comforted: and they shall know that I the LORD have spoken it in my zeal, when I have accomplished my fury in them. Eze. 5: 13. When our Lord Jesus walked the earth, He burned with the zeal of the Lord of Hosts in everything He did. Once, He used a cane to drive out all those who were selling and buying in church. He said, And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise: John 2: 16. The zeal with which He operated that day is what is called 'zeal for the house of the Lord'. It is because God is a zealous God that He demands of us to be zealous.
In the Scripture there is a disciple of Jesus whose surname was Zealot, Simon the Zealot. He was so zealous that the word zeal was added to his name. Zeal is borne out of what a man knows and what he is pursuing with all he has. Zeal must be accompanied by accurate and correct knowledge. Some people often put all their strength, ability and life into a certain course but they are doing the wrong thing. The problem is not the zeal but the lack of knowledge. We should be zealous but we must also be teachable and go for the right knowledge. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. . . to him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne: Rev 3:19-2. From this Scripture reference, we see that zealousness is a requirement for those who want to make heaven. The Bible says to repent of your past lack of zeal and be zealous. May the zeal of the Lord of Hosts consume you in fellowship, in evangelism and every assignment you do for the Lord.
Slothfulness is the opposite of zealousness and it is what we see in many of God's children today. God deserves more than this and actually detests slothfulness. We must serve God with zeal and commitment and only then will there be good reward for our work.

* Repent of any slothful past attitude to the things of God.
* Pray that commitment to the things of God will be a priority in your life.
* Ask God to grant you a fervent spirit to serve Him.

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Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Weapon of Our Warfare

READ: II Cor . 10:4
MORE LESSONS: Eph 6: 10-18
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Judges 1-4

God can give you your heart desire, but it is your responsibility to acquire the fire that drives you to achieve your desires. You can acquire what you desire if you perspire and do not retire but re-fire. All your heart desires are possible but the key is to keep working at them. One major characteristic of any man that is a winner today is that he never quits; winners never quit and quitters never win. You will acquire if you perspire and you don't retire. Each time you are threatened by contrary situations and discouragement, all you have to do is to re-fire in the place of prayer and meditation on God's Word. Just keep firing back at the devil and firing on to your dreams. There are weapons you fire at the devil and there are weapons to fire you to your dreams. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. II Cor 10:4. They are weapons that can sink a whole nation. Such weapons do not deal with individuals or even a group; they are targeted towards a mass. Examples are such that were released during the Second World War. They are so powerful that years after they were detonated in a place, they still have effects like causing sicknesses and or kill en-masse. This is the reason they are called weapons of mass destruction.
Just like there are weapons in the physical, there are also some in the spiritual. Going through the scriptures, we find out that there are a lot of weapons that the believer can use to fire at the devil and to fire on in his destiny. You could use these weapons to terminate the works of the enemy and also guarantee your achievements in destiny. The following are some weapons of mass destruction which you could always use to wage war against the enemy and ascertain victory in destiny:
1. The Name of Jesus
2. The Word of God
3. The Blood of Jesus
4. Praises
5. Prophetic Worship.
6. Speaking in Tongues
7. Prayer
8. Fasting
9. The Word of Testimony
10. Laughter
11. Clapping of Hands
12. Honouring of Parents (both biological and spiritual)
13. Seed of Faith
14. The Presence of God.

* Take these weapons one by one and ask God to use them to take you above your enemy’s position in life and destiny.
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Saturday, April 26, 2014

Thy Will be Done

READ: Matt. 6:10. MORE LESSONS: Luke 15: 11-32
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Luke 22-24

Any time some people hear about the will of God, the first thing that comes to their minds is marriage. And this is disappointing because God's will goes beyond the subject of marriage; it involves every aspect of our lives. The will of God actually means the original intention of God; it means God's master plan, both written and unwritten, for a man's life. Another word that describes the will of God is what I call God's master plan. This new description readily makes us know that God’s will doesn't just have to do with only marriage. Until you know all of God's thought about you, you are not likely to succeed in life. God is principled; He does not do things because of the prevailing situations. Rather, He does all things according to His plan and purpose and His plan never contradicts His Word. This is the reason you have to draw nearer to His Word so that His plan and purpose for your life will be done. Since the will of God is God's intention, His mind, plan and purpose, then it's important to examine some attributes of God's will.
Apart from the joy of the Lord that fills the heart of any man that is walking in God's will, there is provision for God-given vision. For instance, if I want to send a boy on an errand, he is rest assured that I will provide what it takes to send him on the errand. It is the same with God’s provision for His will and purpose for your life.
Furthermore, there is security in God's plan and purpose. You can only be secure if you stay within God's will for your life. Many people face problems and suffer because they have left the will of God for their lives just like the prodigal son suffered for stepping out of his father's will (Luke 15: 11-32). For somebody reading this devotional today, like the prodigal son did, go back home to your father - return to God's will for your life. The Bible says about the prodigal son that from a distance the father saw and recognised His son. They put a ring on his finger, killed the fatted cow and celebrated because of the son that was lost but now returned home. I urge you to return to God's will for your life and continue therein. May you walk in God’s will for every area of your life, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask God to help you find His will for your entire life.
* Ask God to help you walk and live in His divine purpose without complaining.
* Ask God to help you locate wherever you have ever missed His will and help you to return today .
* Ask God to forgive you for refusing His will in any area and to heal you today.

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Friday, April 25, 2014

Seed Faith II

READ: Gal 6: 6-7
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Luke 18-21

We have talked about the importance of seed sowing for a great destiny but I want you to know that seeds are not limited to money. There is no man on the earth that doesn't have a seed to sow. Time is a seed. You can sow a seed of time by finding time to attend to other people and visit them. When you sow your time to attend to people, you will be surprised how people will rise up for you when you need men. So many people complain that they had an occasion to celebrate and people didn't turn up. They should have been sowing seeds of time to other people before it was their turn. If you have been giving attention to people, they also will arise for you one day. The words of your mouth are seeds. If you always encourage and cheer people up, you will never be downcast without somebody rising to help. But if you are someone who always loves to slander, backbite and run people down with your words, you will harvest it. The Word of God is a seed. When you are studying, learning, meditating and memorizing the Word of God, you are sowing seeds into your destiny. You will reap a bountiful harvest! For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting:. Gal 6:8. Prayer is also a seed. You are sowing seeds into your future when you pray and also when you intercede for other people. Great men are prayer givers not just prayer collectors. When they see things going wrong somewhere or with someone; rather than gossip, they go into their closet in fasting and prayer till they see a change.
In a gathering, there are people who sow seeds of prayer and there are people who sow seeds of discord and disagreement between brethren. Whichever you sow, that you will harvest. You could sow also the seed of praying for missionaries in the field at their hour of need and also for people you see around you.
Finally, the way a man lives his life is a seed. If you live a reckless, sinful or promiscuous life, you will reap it. If you are a first class liar, one day it will catch up with you. Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned? Prov 6:28. Whoever digs a pit will fall into it, And he who rolls a stone will have it roll back on him: Prov 26:27 (NKJV). A single person can't live a reckless life and at the end of the day expect that somebody who has kept himself pure is coming to marry him/her. This is the reason you should be living your life as a seed worthy of the future you want to have.

* Pray that nothing will be too big for you to sow to God.
* Pray that your life will be a worthy seed for a happy eternity.
* Pray that God will help you not to sow a seed which you will hate to harvest.

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