Monday, May 5, 2014

Flee What?

Text: II Tim.2:15-22
More Lessons: I Tim.6:11
Bible Reading in One Year: 1 Pet.3-5

Often, we get into trouble or make irreparable mistakes in life just because we do not know how to handle our challenges. Experience is not what happens to you in life, but how you handle it. Exposed to evil or temptation and doing nothing about it makes children of God live a life of shame and reproach even though God has promised us grace and glory.

Our text today tells us how to cope with temptations and how to become the kind of disciples Jesus wants us to be. Jn. 15:14 says Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. Obedience is the issue when it comes to true Christianity. Salvation is a free gift from God but you won't grow much unless you take definite steps of obedience. There are so many things to flee from in the scriptures: if we will remain God's friends; I Cor. 6:18 Flee fornication....: I Cor. 10:14 ...flee from idolatry: II Tim. 2:22 Flee also youthful lusts: Matt.3:7 ...flee from the wrath to come.

Being complacent about what can destroy us is not courage, but carelessness. Running away or doing everything possible to escape from evil, danger or temptation is the wisest thing to do. We must know that our spiritual life is one of motion. So many times, God tells us to do one thing or the other, and unless we are swift in response to his instructions, we fail even when we are not supposed to.

Can you anticipate any temptation that might hit you today? How will you handle it? In Matt.22:41, Jesus said ...pray, that ye enter not into temptation....: because wit every temptation, there is a way of escape(I Cor. 10:13). You must be guided 24/7. The tempter is never tired at all; when you hear his roar, flee. God will keep you from the hour of temptation in Jesus' name (Rev. 3:10)

1. I receive the grace of God not to fall into temptation again in Jesus' name.
2. Father help me to keep the word of your patience daily in Jesus' name.
3. Father keep me from the hour of temptation which shall come on all men, in Jesus' name
4. Oh God, help me to pursue righteousness daily in Jesus' name.

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The Ministry of Help

Text: Isa.41:1-10
More Lessons: Exo. 2:17
Bible Reading in One Year: 1Pet.1-4

Giving assistance and the act of bearing other people's burden is a vital issue in human survival. It is one of the gifts of God to mankind.

I Cor.12:28. Many a times, we do not know how to or lack the expertise to do what we want to do and that is why God has given some people the talent to help others.

How many people do you know who are lonely and discouraged? Suicide and attempted suicide among teenagers and youths are very rampant in many countries of the world. These people are crying out for people with the ministry of help. As Christians, we need to go out of our way to share the good news of salvation with unbelievers and also encourage other believers to remain steadfast in faith. I Thess.5:14 outlines some ways we can help others;

1) Warning of the unruly: That is to tell a person of danger or to caution about certain acts or notify in advance about issues or acts that can bring negative consequences. When we do this as believers, we are helping the individual, the church and the society.
2) Comforting the feeble minded. This means lessening of misery or grief by cheering, calming or inspiring with hope of engrieved believers with promises from the word of God. It also includes going extra-mile to do what we can to help fulfil this ministry.
3) Supporting the weak. This is the act of keeping from falling, slipping or sinking of any member who is no longer strong in the body.
4) Patience towards all men. This is the ability to wait or endure without complaint or perseverance in performing a task of the individual “towards all men” everywhere in all things.

Helping others is a ministry of all for the body of Christ. How helpful are you? Making a long term impact on others by listening to people's needs, praying with them, sharing with them material things and scriptures that helped you and the habit of making daily prayers asking God to direct you to someone who is in need of help are ways we can fulfil this ministry.

* Father, help me not to fail to help people around me.
* Today, I receive all I need to fulfil this ministry perfectly in Jesus' name.
* Do something daily that can make someone to tell you “thank you” throughout this month.

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Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Church

Read: Heb. 10:19-25
More Lessons: I Cor.12:28
Bible Reading in One Year: Ruth1-4

The Body of believers; which are the called-out ones is generally referred to as the bride of Christ or the Church. The name Church which is given in relation to Christ are people who have been purchased by the blood of the lamb, saved by grace, sanctified and cleansed by the word of God and subject to Christ in everything (Eph.5:25-29, Acts 20:28, Eph.5:26, Rom.7:6). The word, Church has different meanings to different people. But the true Church; the church of the Lord Jesus can be defined as:

1) A body of believers in Christ Jesus.
2) A general assembly representing believers from many local assemblies. (Acts 15:22)
3) A local company of Christians who regularly meet for spiritual services and to transact necessary business for the proper functioning of the local or general Christian work (Matt.18:17).
4) The general assembly of Christians in heaven (Heb.2:12).

The Church of Christ is a living entity of believers where members have an obligation to take part in Church life; that is taking up responsibilities for the effective growth and advancement of the local assembly. Where members fail to play their parts in the running and the growth of the church, there is grave consequences.

Other vital functions of the church include World evangelism, (Matt. 28:18-20), edifying the saints (Eph. 4:11-15), guarding the truth (II Tim.2:1-2) and to discipline the unruly (II Cor.13:1-10). Our text today urges us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together. Ps.100:4 makes us to understand how God should be approached when believers gather. Attendance of every meeting organized by the church is vitally important. God's word commands it, are you obeying Him?

* I confess that as a Church of Christ, I will service the body.
* My seat and service in the Church will not be vacant.
* The Church of Christ is matching on and the gates of hell will not prevail forever, in Jesus’ name.

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Friday, May 2, 2014

Are you ready?

Text: I Thess.4:13-18
More Lessons: Titus 2:13
Bible Reading in One Year: Judges 19-21

The second coming of the Lord is much closer than ever before. Rapture (the taking away of the believers from the earth before the tribulation) is the event the world will soon experience whether we are ready for it or not.

After hearing a message about the rapture, a teenage boy said “I know the Lord is coming someday but I hope it isn't right away, I have got a lot of things that I want to do!” Most Bible scholars and preachers agree that the signs of the times are pointing to the soon coming of Jesus Christ to rescue believers from the earth to the marriage supper of the Lamb in the sky for three and half years. Unfortunately, some Christians are no longer waiting or eager about the taking away of the believers from the earth (rapture). Rather a number of believers are becoming so much involved with the things of the world of becoming indifferent about the second coming of Jesus. We should be living in constant expectation of that glorious event since no one really knows for sure when Christ is coming to take away His own.

Jesus gave us the key and made us to understand how we should live while awaiting His coming …Occupy till I come: Lk.19:13. That is to say, while we are waiting for Christ’s return we should be involved in active service for God in His vineyard. I Cor.15:52 makes us to understand how it will happen; In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,.... Beloved, it will be a very snappy thing, with no time to pray sinners prayer then. Why not pray, restitute and preach Christ to all today? …at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound,… Rapture will be a secret silent event and it will not happen twice. It is the very one and only last trumpet blow for the exodus of the believers from the earth. …and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. That is to say, we shall not stand before God in this our mortal body, there shall be a change! Are you ready to put on another body? Are you ready to walk on the streets of Gold? It wouldn't be long again, so get ready.

*Father, let my heart not depart from you. I want to love you more.
*Lord Jesus help me love your appearing.
*Today, I break my league with anything that will not allow me to be ready when You come.

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