Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Engraved upon Stone I

READ: Gen.28:11-22
Bible Reading in One Year: Acts 16-18

Amongst all the great and beautiful things that God created some that stand out for their size, firmness and immovable posture are rocks and mountains. These stony objects form a large part of the topography of the earth amongst many things. But most interestingly, in the 'stone age' the early man used pieces of stone from rocks to craft the basic necessities of life like instruments of war to domestic tools, writing materials, houses, tombs e.t.c. The word of God also shows us that stones have been of great significance in the fellowship of man with his Creator; From the raising of altars unto the LORD 1Sa.7:12. Samuel took a stone, and set it between Mizpeh and Shen, and called the name of it Ebenezer, saying, Hitherto hath the LORD helped us, Exo.28:11 says With the work of an engraver in stone, like the engravings of a signet, shalt thou engrave the two stones with the names of the children of Israel: thou shalt make them to be set in ouches of gold, the delivery of the 10 commandments by the finger of God Exo.31:18 And he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him upon mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God. And even in the conquest of the enemies of God 1Sa.17:50 So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and smote the Philistine, and slew him; but there was no sword in the hand of David.

Even today stones are still the symbol of strength, stability and lasting impact. All these point to the fact that such is what God expects of us. We are to be living stones all the way. God intends that in your local church and place of work your live and conduct should leave lasting impacts in the work environment and lives of the people there. Even in tough circumstances, God expects our faith to be stable and immovable as a rock. Christians are not just heaven bound, we are born for breakthrough on earth. Eph.2:20.And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; This means that our calling in Jesus Christ is actually a calling to permanent impact. This is why a Christian never dies but only sleeps. Sickness or poverty cannot take you out because you are engraved upon the rock of ages. Your safety, protection and security are sure. When others are being cast down, it is then that you will arise and declare the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living because your life is engraved on the rock of ages.

Prayer / Action
* Thank God that Jesus Christ is the rock of our salvation and so we have a sure foundation and refuge in Him.
* Pray for divine stamina and fortitude in the things of God so that you will be able to stand firm against attacks and satanic opposition.
* Ask the Lord to strengthen you in every weak or broken area of your life so that the enemy will not take advantage of your weaknesses.
* Decree that the strength of Zion goes ahead of you into the day to help you by His mighty hand.

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Monday, June 16, 2014

Enduring Works

READ: I Cor. 3:6-15
MORE LESSONS: Jn. 4:34-38
Bible Reading in One Year: Acts 13-15

From today's reading, we can see that every believer has an assignment in the Kingdom of God as no one is saved to be redundant or idle. There is a part in God's vineyard that you were created to tend. It could be to plant, to water or to build; everyone is called to labour together with God. However, it is not every work that will get to the point of reward, every man's work shall be tested I Cor. 3:13; some works will burn but the works that endure will be rewarded.

In order to have works that will earn rewards at the end, it is vital to consider factors that can help you.
1. The work must be by the Lord and to the Lord, not with eye service, but with singleness of heart -Col. 3:22-23.
2. It must be done to serve the Lord-Col. 3:24.
3. It must be done without murmuring -Phil. 2:14.
4. It must be done without strife, selfish motive or vain glory-Phil. 2:3.
5. It must be done faithfully -I Cor. 4:2.
6. It must be done in humility-Phil. 2:8.

Check the work you are doing in the Lord's house. Does it have these characteristics? In order for your work to abide, you must ask God for the right attitude to the work. Doing anything presumptuously may bring no reward, so check yourself today so that you will be bountifully rewarded after your labour here on earth. The works that will be rewarded must be those that are done according to the will of the Father, ...My meat is to do the will of him that sent me…. Ananias and Sapphira did the work of God but not according to the will of God, they had instant judgment instead of speedy reward (Acts 5:1-10). The Pharisees did their praying, fasting and alms giving for public applause and praise, ...They have their reward Matt. 6:2-4 which is the praise of men.

However, men like Paul worked and testified, Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness.... II Tim. 4:8-10. In the name of Jesus, you will not work in vain. Your labour in the Kingdom will not be a waste. Every of your contributions as usher, cleaner, giver, helper, Sunday School teacher, security, singer, counsellor, driver, protocol, physical planning etc, shall be blessed, in Jesus' name. But work as unto the Lord, no murmuring, no complaint, no eye service, no praise of men. Work unconditionally.

Prayer / Action
* Ask the Holy Spirit to check your work now and help you offer an acceptable service to the Lord from today.
* Ask the Lord to purge you of wrong and unacceptable works.
* Ask God to forgive you every past murmuring and complaint in His service, right or wrong.
* Ask the Lord to bring to manifestation His blessings upon your service

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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Strengthened For Battle

READ: Eph.6:10-18
MORE LESSONS: 2Tim.2:1-7
Bible Reading in One Year: Acts 3-5

Strength is defined as a state of being strong. A strong army, strong financial base, strong personality e.t.c. all speak of strength. In this age everything is about strength, from the cradle to the grave, from Egypt to Canaan. Weakness is the absence of strength and a weak Christian is a defeated Christian. Wherever there is weakness, failure is imminent. So if you hate to fail, you must increase your strength.

There is nothing that makes a man succeed that is related with weakness. Grace, anointing, help, glory are all strength related. Apostle Paul ends his letter to the Ephesians, strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might Eph 6:10. Then he enumerates what the Ephesians must do to be strong. They are to put on God’s armour made of truth, righteousness, preaching of the Gospel of peace, faith, the helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit, i.e the Word of God, constant prayer and supplication in the spirit, being watchful always, perseverance and intercessory life (Eph.6:14-18). An armour is a protective covering which Paul wants us to wear in order to resist the enemy and as a shield to stop the arrows that satan aims at us (Eph.6:13,16)

From these verses, it is obvious that the Scripture, written over 2000 years ago, is now being fulfilled in our days. So you need to strengthen yourself for the battle. Verse 13 speaks of the “evil days” and verse 16 gives the definition of the evil day as a time when the devil will shot his “burning arrows” (G.H.T.D) at believers. The burning arrows are now all over-insecurity, church bombings, assassination of Christians, abject poverty, strange diseases, heresy, false prophets, worldly churches, worldly brethren in the name of liberty and globalisation, e.t.c.

Beloved, it is war time, only those who wear their armour are safe. Look at those elements of the armour once again, and ensure that none is missing on you, from your helmet of salvation on the head to the Gospel sandals on the feet. That is the only way to be strong for the battle. Guide against weakness and failure.

From today be armed with your weapons, put on your armour and you will be strengthened for the battle of faith. The song writer has rightly spoken, “Christians seek not yet reposed, hear your guiding angels say, thou art in the midst of foes, watch and pray”. Don't retreat. I hear our Captain say we shall overcome.

Prayer / Action
* Give God thanks for not allowing you to be swept away by your weaknesses.
* Thank God for the provision of defensive armour ahead of the days of evil.
* Ask the Lord to empower you against every form of weakness in your Christian race.
* Prophesy the armour of God in Eph.6:14-18 to your life one by one.
Create time to memorise all the armours today. Finally, prophesy that you will not loose any battle to weakness this year.

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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Perilous Times II

READ: II Tim 3: 2-3
MORE LESSONS: I Jn 2: 18-24
Bible Reading in One Year: Acts 6-9

We started by pointing out the attitudes in the world and the Church that indicate that we are truly in the last days. Today we shall consider more of these attitudes.
For people will love only themselves and their money; they will be proud and boastful, sneering at God, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful to them, and thoroughly bad, they will be hard hearted and never give in to others: IITim 3: 2-3 (TLB).

The Living Bible translates the word rendered 'unholy' in King James Version of the Bible as 'thoroughly bad'; and truly this present world is thoroughly bad. Men are without natural affection in a world where homosexualism is being legalised. Even among children we have had to minister deliverance from homosexualism on primary school pupils. The world has truly become thoroughly bad. This shows that the coming of the Lord is here.
Being unthankful is very prevalent and each `person has to check himself or herself on this. How thankful have you been to God and to man? Anybody who is not thankful to man cannot be thankful to God. Many people take things for granted. Everybody keeps emphasizing rights, while neglecting their obligations and then they proceed to take privileges for rights. As a child, you must know that all that your parents are doing for you should be seen as a privilege not a right. All of us should know that being alive, waking up every morning and breathing are all privileges from God not rights. Taking things for granted is one of the reasons why people are ungrateful.

Ingratitude is a sign of ignorance of the cost of doing good. Many people look at what somebody has done for them and feel that the person should have done more but they are ignorant that it could have cost the person a great sacrifice to do even that which he did. Being unthankful is a demonic trait; there is such as the spirit of ingratitude that rules over peoples' lives. That spirit will not rule in your destiny, in Jesus’ name. Many live an unthankful life because they always see challenges ahead and do not pay attention to the ones that they have overcome. Such people need to see well by not focusing on challenges even though they exists; they should focus on the victories that God has helped them to win.

One other reason why people are ungrateful is that they do not think. It takes deep thought to be deeply and sincerely grateful. When you think, then you thank. Remember that being unthankful is one of the signs of the end. Be thankful.

* Pray against what the Bible calls “thoroughly bad” and declare that you will not be part of it.
* Pray that you will not be unthankful.
* Pray that the Church of God will not be ruined by the spirit of the end time.
* Pray that you will be part of God's Holy remnant to the end.

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