Monday, June 16, 2014

Enduring Works

READ: I Cor. 3:6-15
MORE LESSONS: Jn. 4:34-38
Bible Reading in One Year: Acts 13-15

From today's reading, we can see that every believer has an assignment in the Kingdom of God as no one is saved to be redundant or idle. There is a part in God's vineyard that you were created to tend. It could be to plant, to water or to build; everyone is called to labour together with God. However, it is not every work that will get to the point of reward, every man's work shall be tested I Cor. 3:13; some works will burn but the works that endure will be rewarded.

In order to have works that will earn rewards at the end, it is vital to consider factors that can help you.
1. The work must be by the Lord and to the Lord, not with eye service, but with singleness of heart -Col. 3:22-23.
2. It must be done to serve the Lord-Col. 3:24.
3. It must be done without murmuring -Phil. 2:14.
4. It must be done without strife, selfish motive or vain glory-Phil. 2:3.
5. It must be done faithfully -I Cor. 4:2.
6. It must be done in humility-Phil. 2:8.

Check the work you are doing in the Lord's house. Does it have these characteristics? In order for your work to abide, you must ask God for the right attitude to the work. Doing anything presumptuously may bring no reward, so check yourself today so that you will be bountifully rewarded after your labour here on earth. The works that will be rewarded must be those that are done according to the will of the Father, ...My meat is to do the will of him that sent me…. Ananias and Sapphira did the work of God but not according to the will of God, they had instant judgment instead of speedy reward (Acts 5:1-10). The Pharisees did their praying, fasting and alms giving for public applause and praise, ...They have their reward Matt. 6:2-4 which is the praise of men.

However, men like Paul worked and testified, Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness.... II Tim. 4:8-10. In the name of Jesus, you will not work in vain. Your labour in the Kingdom will not be a waste. Every of your contributions as usher, cleaner, giver, helper, Sunday School teacher, security, singer, counsellor, driver, protocol, physical planning etc, shall be blessed, in Jesus' name. But work as unto the Lord, no murmuring, no complaint, no eye service, no praise of men. Work unconditionally.

Prayer / Action
* Ask the Holy Spirit to check your work now and help you offer an acceptable service to the Lord from today.
* Ask the Lord to purge you of wrong and unacceptable works.
* Ask God to forgive you every past murmuring and complaint in His service, right or wrong.
* Ask the Lord to bring to manifestation His blessings upon your service

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