Sunday, June 22, 2014

Who is on the Lord's Side?

READ: Exo. 32:21-29
MORE LESSONS: I Jn. 2:15-17
Bible Reading in One Year: Joel 1-3

Joining the multitude to do evil is the in- thing in the world today and it has started spreading to the Church of God. Christians now do things without understanding and it does not bother them. The only explanation for the type of dressing and the type of words and language that a lot of Christians use today is simply that is what everybody is doing. Everybody wants to do popular things but Jesus warns, …for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Matt. 7:13.

A true child of God should not follow the multitude to do evil. The believer should be the example that people of the world are copying not the other way round. In my early Christian days, it was not difficult to differentiate a Christian sister from the worldly ladies but today, all that has changed. Church music and the worldly one are also hard to differentiate, not to talk of the dance. I don't know how Jesus feels in Heaven right now, especially each time He looks down to see His Church; the Church He sacrificed so much to purchase.

When Israel messed up in the wilderness by making a molten calf to replace Moses and God because Moses delayed in coming back from the presence of God, Moses’ only call to them was; …Who is on the LORD'S side?.... Exo. 32:26. God is asking the Church the same question today, Who is on the Lord's side? Who is going to forsake the multitude even if alone and walk the pathway of consecration (Exo. 32:29)? Who will deny the crowd, the broad way and follow the Lord in the unpopular, lonely way of consecration? Who will declare like Daniel, others may, I shall not. Both the pew and the pulpit must cry to God for forgiveness and ask for God's grace to return to the Lord's side of being the example to the world and not being influenced by the world.

Prayer / Action
* Ask the Lord to purge you of anything you might have copied from the world
* Declare war against every form of worldliness in your life.
* Tell the devil you are on the Lord's side
Find a hymn book before the close of today and locate the hymn "The Old Rugged Cross". sing it and pray it.

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