Thursday, June 12, 2014

Fellow Labourers

Text: Phil. 2:19-24
More Lessons: Acts 28:13-15
Bible Reading in One Year: Acts 1-2

Co-labourers are people appointed by God to fulfil their destiny through supporting their leader to do what God has appointed him to do. This way, both the appointed leader and his fellow workers/helpers fulfil destiny by working together although in different capacities. In the wisdom of God, no one church/ministry/assignment is raised to be headed by two persons side by side. Just as there is no human with two heads, in God's order, it is usually one leader, many followers. Any assignment, human or spiritual, that is saturated with competitors will fail, but where there are co-labourers, success is sure.

Every leader should deliberately pray for co-labourers in his/her assignment. A leader should also watch out for who is a co-labourer around him and draw such closer for greater collaboration. Among other things, co-labourers are people who:

1) Handle every assignment as though it is theirs personally, they do the work as if it is theirs.
2) Do not wait to be instructed or supervised to get the work done.
3) Never do eye service – whether the boss is present or not, they do whatever is required.
4) Work without attaching any condition to their service. They serve with little or no incentives.
5) Go extra mile – they are not restricted in service, they do as much as will bring result.
6) Are of absolute commitment – they are prepared to sink or float with their assignments.
7) Believe in and carry the spirit of their leader.

The ministry of Paul the apostle, though very tough and challenging, was made easy by the gift of men and women who were co–labourers, supporters, givers and helpers of all time, such as Timothy and Epaphroditus who Paul refered to severally as brothers, fellow workers, fellow soldiers, messengers and ministers (v25); they nearly died for the work (v30). Are you a co-labourer or a problem in God's Kingdom?

Prayer / Action
* Ask God for team spirit in every area of your service in His Kingdom.
* Pray for the grace to satisfactorily love God and His work.
* Pray that God will send faithful co-labourers to His vineyard.
* Examine the seven steps above and ask yourself, under God, which of them you lack.
* Give thanks for the ones you have and pray that you will increase in them.
* Take practical steps on the ones you consider lacking in your life.


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