Thursday, June 26, 2014

A Seed for your Miracle

READ: II Kg. 4:1-7
MORE LESSONS II Kgs. 17:2-16
Bible Reading in One Year: Obadiah, Jonah 1-4

Often when you need a miracle from God, your whole attention is drawn only to what God can do. However, you need to realise that for every miracle, there is the aspect of what you have to do either to make the answer come or to quicken or fast track the answer. For every miracle we expect from God, we have a responsibility and a role to play. In today's study, the prophet asked the widow that came asking for a miracle and help, What do you have in your house? The widow like us never expected such a question. When looking for a miracle we just except results without considering what we can do or give to provoke God to action. The same thing happened between Elijah and the widow of Zarephath. When Elijah said bring me…a morsel of bread, quickly she responded, …I have not a cake but an handful of meal…. I Kg. 17:2-16. But reluctantly she obeyed the prophet's instruction, and that was it, her miracle of provision manifested beyond her expectation.

The disciples of Jesus too needed a miracle to feed the five thousand in the desert where they had been running a healing crusade for days. Because they had no solution, they told Jesus to disperse the crowd but Jesus said they didn’t have to go away, ...give ye them to eat. Matt. 14:16.. Then they brought what they had, five loaves and two fishes just as it occurs in Jn. 6:9, the contribution was from a little boy and again thousands ate with twelve baskets left over. Even for Moses to step into his destiny God asked what he had in his hand and he had to drop it before he saw a miracle.

Am sure there is a seed in your hand that God is expecting you to drop as your contribution for a miracle, no matter how small. It may or may not be money; it could be service, a material thing, etc. no matter how small or expensive to you, just to provoke God to speedily release that which you have been waiting for. If the Zarephath woman or the prophet's wife refused to contribute what was in their house, would the story be the same today? Today, sow a seed for your performance and provoke Heaven to do something extra ordinary in your matter. Give and it shall be given to you. Give a seed for your miracle.

Prayer / Action
* Ask God to help you not to withhold the key to your miracle.
* Pray that whatever seed you are sowing today will provoke an answer from Heaven.
* Ask God to help you discover what that "little thing" is that you need to sow.

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