Thursday, July 24, 2014

Anointing for Profit

Text: Acts 10:38
MORE LESSONS: Matt 25: 14-30
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 Chronicles33-36

There is the anointing for doing good; an empowerment that God gives a man and expects Him to profit himself and other people with it. The anointing is for healing, progress, refuge and goodness both to the person who bears it and whoever encounters it. Anointing people with oil in church is not a religious ceremony because there is a profit that God expects to come to everyone after the anointing. If you are anointed, graced and gifted by God to be able to do anything, know that God expects it to profit you and everyone around you. It is important to know that the glory, anointing and blessings that God gives you are for positively impacting lives. It is not for you to accumulate materials for yourself and family only.
I want you to know that God likes profits.

From the Bible texts that we read, we know that when God invests He expects profit. The Bible also affirms, But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal: 1 Cor. 12: 7. One way of making sure there is profit on God's gifting, talent and anointing on your life is to actively put it to use for the good of others and you also will reap profits from it. The servants that are given five and two talents put them to use and make profits for the Master and He is pleased herewith them and rewards them.

By putting the talents to use, they profit themselves, profit the people that they offer services to n addition to making profits for the Master. The servant that is given one talent goes ahead to hide it in order not to lose it. But it is also of no use to humanity, to the Master or to himself. Therefore the Master punishes him for not making profit.

A lot of Christians have run down their businesses, careers, ministries and lives because they think that God doesn't like profit. Some believers in business can buy something for N20 and sell it for N15, thinking that is holiness. That's being religious, not being spiritual. It is God's desire that you have extra over your input. It is a good thing when you gain in life; for every of your input in life, you should get what you put in and more for profit. The investment of God in your life will not be a waste, in Jesus’ name. I pray for you that in all your lifetime, you shall be profitable to yourself, your family, the church, the world and the Kingdom of God at large.

* Pray that you will not waste God’s investments in your life.
* Declare over your endeavours that the anointing of God will yield great profits from today.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Testimony to Others

Text: 1 Cor .10: 1-11
MORE LESSONS: Heb. 1 1:32-40
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 Chronicles 30-32

There are many accounts of people in the Bible that we read and get instructed, blessed, warned, encouraged and directed. These people stand as testimonies of righteousness, holiness, overcoming trial and temptation, faith and many other virtues to us. But we seem to overlook the fact that these stories are records of real life situations of real people with emotions, desires and limitations like us. So when we read what happened to them as lessons, we argue and theologise about them. However, we complain when things don’t work for us, forgetting that God could be making us pass through things that will be a testimony to others as well.

The point is that when you are going through a difficult time in life, sometimes it is for a lesson. And the lessons are not necessarily for you, they may be for somebody else. It could even be for a generation yet to come. Today, having drawn lessons and inspiration from the life of Sarah, we can have faith in God that no matter how long a woman waits, she can give birth to a child. Even after menopause we know that God still gives children as He did for ninety year old Sarah. I believe the lesson that has helped the faith of many today was a painful experience for Sarah when she was going through it.

These days we have lessons from what people like Daniel went through Dan 6:3-24). Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are great lessons of faith in God or us today (Dan 3: 1-30). We were not born when these people passed through these crises but God took them through some things so that we can learn from their experiences. Today we can have confidence that it is possible to enter into a lions’ den and not be devoured, or go through fire and not be consumed. You may be going through a hard time and you don't understand why. It may be a testimony in the making that will strengthen and save many in the future. I pray that God will cause you to finally make a profit of the situation.

Your strength shall be renewed and you will have victory over the matter. And when all s said and done, you will be fully recompensed by the Lord, in Jesus’ name.
May your challenge become a testimony, not only for you but many others after you, “Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come”. I Cor . 10:1 1.

* Pray that your challenge will become a blessing, a positive example for others to trust God.
* Give God thanks for what He is able to do through your present challenge.
* Pray for strength to stand till victory comes.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Seek Things Above

Text:Col 3:1 -2
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 Chronicles 26-29

If you are a new creature in Christ, the evidence that must show is your affections, desires and priorities in life. Many claim they are citizens of Heaven but all their interests, pursuits and conversations are of the earth. The latest fashion, technology, news and physical things are the pursuit of many who claim to be seated in heavenly places with Christ. However, the Scripture makes us to understand that the evidence that a man is seated in heavenly places with Christ is that his affections will be on things above and not on earthly things, Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:

But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also: Matt 6:19-21.

As a citizen of Heaven your investments, thoughts and pursuits should centre on God's Kingdom. One of the best ways to know where a person's heart lies is to check where he puts his money and time. Do you put your resources into the Kingdom of God or into things of this world that will pass away? The way you live also shows what you are seeking. A man seeking athletic medals doesn't eat and live like everyone else. The kinds of exercise, discipline and diet he adopts always show that he is seeking something.

As a seeker of God, all the deeds of the old man that do not glorify God in your life are to be put off and the works of the flesh are to be killed (Gal 5:19-21). You should be clothed with the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal 5: 22-23) and follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Heb 12:14.

Seeking God and laying all your treasures above will not lead to being of no good on earth, rather it is the secret to supernatural impact and greatness on earth. Every seeker of things above and propagator of the Kingdom is always a shining star in his generation because Scripture has promised, But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you: Matt 6:33. The path to a glorious destiny and effortlessly getting all the things that men strive for is seeking first the Kingdom and the things above.

* Ask God for grace to make Heaven a priority.
* Pray that everything that competes with the will of God in your life will lose their hold now.
* Ask for a life that is ever ready for the coming of the Lord.
* Pray that no worldly pleasure will rule your life.

BENEDICTION: Say it to yourself after every prayer:

Jehovah is the Alpha and Omega of my year,
I shall not fear, He beautifies my days with grace and glory,
I shall not lack.

The Lord of Hosts is the strength of my life,
He shall not leave me nor forsake me, He shall deliver me from all evil
Even when men are being cast down, yet shall I arise and say.

2014 is my season of His GLORY, the Spirit of the
Lord shall perform these
Now and forever more

Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!

New season,
Glory time

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Reprogramming your Mentality

Text: Rom. 12:2
MORE LESSONS: Prov . 23:7
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 Chronicles 23-25

The mind of a man is the seat of his thoughts, reasoning, values, words and actions. The behaviour and life of a man are a product of his mind. Christians put a lot of emphasis on the spirit, spiritual exercise and spiritual growth, and that is right and necessary . However, you should not forget to develop your mind, reasoning and intellect because the spirit of a man can only relate to this physical realm through the soul, which contains the mind. So no matter how much a man has grown spiritually, he is still limited if there’s no corresponding change in his mind.

Personal development, education, study, attending conferences and seminars are ways of improving your mind, Be renewed in the spirit of your mind: Eph 4:23. The biblical account of the growth of Jesus is revealing, Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man: Luke 2:52. That is mental, physical and spiritual development in that order. Many strongholds that people battle with are in their minds.

It is not every poverty, sickness or failure that is a spiritual attack; most are as a result of poverty and failure mindset that has been so ingrained in a person by the reason of his background, environment and experience; thus the person always thinks, talks and believes poverty and lack. So many people do not sincerely think it is possible to live a sickness-free life, some can't imagine themselves wealthy and great.

Your mind needs to be renewed by God's Word till you see yourself in agreement with what God says about you.
Many times people struggle with sin and lust and they want laying on of hands, binding and casting to be delivered from sin. Of course there are several cases of people who need deliverance from the hold of sin but more often than not, freedom from the hold of sin will be by the renewal of the mind of the person, by the washing of the water of the Word of God because the mind is the battle ground of temptation and sin. When a man gets born again, his spirit becomes brand new and perfect but the mind is the same with the same memories, feelings and thought patterns.

Therefore, the Word of God needs to reprogramme the mind for total liberty and maturity in the faith. You need to expose your mind much to the Word of God so that it can think in agreement with the mind of Christ.
Today I want you to take the responsibility of realigning your thinking with the Word and reprogramme yourself for success in God.

* Ask God to purge, deliver and renew your mind for a greater life.
* Ask God to help you reprogramme your mind by removing all negativity.
* Pray that your mind will always align with the Holy Spirit.