Text: 1 Cor .10: 1-11
MORE LESSONS: Heb. 1 1:32-40
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 Chronicles 30-32
There are many accounts of people in the Bible that we read and get instructed, blessed, warned, encouraged and directed. These people stand as testimonies of righteousness, holiness, overcoming trial and temptation, faith and many other virtues to us. But we seem to overlook the fact that these stories are records of real life situations of real people with emotions, desires and limitations like us. So when we read what happened to them as lessons, we argue and theologise about them. However, we complain when things don’t work for us, forgetting that God could be making us pass through things that will be a testimony to others as well.
The point is that when you are going through a difficult time in life, sometimes it is for a lesson. And the lessons are not necessarily for you, they may be for somebody else. It could even be for a generation yet to come. Today, having drawn lessons and inspiration from the life of Sarah, we can have faith in God that no matter how long a woman waits, she can give birth to a child. Even after menopause we know that God still gives children as He did for ninety year old Sarah. I believe the lesson that has helped the faith of many today was a painful experience for Sarah when she was going through it.
These days we have lessons from what people like Daniel went through Dan 6:3-24). Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are great lessons of faith in God or us today (Dan 3: 1-30). We were not born when these people passed through these crises but God took them through some things so that we can learn from their experiences. Today we can have confidence that it is possible to enter into a lions’ den and not be devoured, or go through fire and not be consumed. You may be going through a hard time and you don't understand why. It may be a testimony in the making that will strengthen and save many in the future. I pray that God will cause you to finally make a profit of the situation.
Your strength shall be renewed and you will have victory over the matter. And when all s said and done, you will be fully recompensed by the Lord, in Jesus’ name.
May your challenge become a testimony, not only for you but many others after you, “Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come”. I Cor . 10:1 1.
* Pray that your challenge will become a blessing, a positive example for others to trust God.
* Give God thanks for what He is able to do through your present challenge.
* Pray for strength to stand till victory comes.
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