Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Dangers of Disobedience I

Text: Gen. 3:1-19
MORE LESSONS: Gen. 3:20-24
Bible Reading in one Year: 1 Chronicles 24-26

Disobedience attracts God's punishment upon a man while obedience fulfils God's promises for him. Whenever God gives you an instruction, any other instruction that counters the God-given instruction is simply to make God's promises for your life of no effect. One of the fastest ways to see the anger of God upon your life is to disobey Him. That is to say, if you want God's goodness, live in obedience and if you want His punishment, live in disobedience. Let's quickly look at some of the dangers of disobedience.

God became angry with man that He created when man disobeyed Him and incurred a curse, ...Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife… cursed is the ground for thy sake: Gen.3:17. Therefore disobedience can:
1. Bring a curse upon the work of a man; remember here that God didn't curse man but the work of His hands.
2. Make a man to eat his bread in sorrow , … In sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life: Gen. 3:17.
3. Make a man to labour in vain, Thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to thee;… v18.

4. Make man labour before he can eat, In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground;…  19.
This was not God's original plan for man. The plan had to change because man listened to his helper than what God told him, he forgot in a hurry that God gave him instructions as regards the Garden.

Man then got the opposite of the promises of God. May that not be your portion ‘Amen’ is not enough; keeping His instructions is the key. Furthermore, disobedience can banish a man from God's presence completely, So the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden….: Gen. 3:23. Looking at that, you will see that it was the man that God banished out of the Garden and of course the woman had to follow.

The breaking of the instruction began from the serpent who seduced the woman and truncated God's initial plan for man because man listened to his helper against God's instructions. Those who advise you against the Word of God are breakers of God's instruction and when God will declare His judgment upon you, they will not be able to help you out. If God has made you the head of an organisation or a leader at any level, you will need to base your instructions on God and His servants so that you will not put both yourself and your followers in danger of disobedience.

* Ask for God’s forgiveness and cleansing for any lingering sin in your life.
* Ask for His mercy to turn His anger away from you.
* Pray that you will never be driven from the presence of God

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