Text: Gen. 3:14-19
MORE LESSONS: Ezek. 18:20
Bible Reading in one Year: 1 Chronicles 20-23
Giving listening ear to the devil will re-write God's programme for your life if you don't stop on time. Do not give space for the enemy to ever prepare or engage you in the conversation that will lead you to break the instructions from the Word of God. Be vigilant enough to take note of the devices of the devil; any statement from anybody that is contrary to the Word of God should be rejected immediately. The serpent presented God as a liar, For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God.…: Gen. 3:5. Satan’s suggestion is a lie that contradicts the Bible, ...God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him.…: Gen. 1:27. It is easy for the devil to tell lies because it is in his nature, ...for he is a liar and the father of lies….: Jn. 8:44. But God made man in His own image and breathed His life into him. That advice that is contrary to God's Word has the target of leading you to destruction; don't eat that bait.
As soon as the woman yielded to the serpent’s enticement, there was a re-programming in Heaven that changed the plan of God for man. As soon as the woman …saw that the fruit of the tree was good and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, She took some and ate it….: Gen. 3:6. At this point, the process of enticement was over, the serpent had just won Eve over . Don't let the serpent win you over, do not give in, the devil has not given up on you at all, don't also give up on God by accepting the devil's lies. As soon as the woman yielded the serpent disappeared, mission accomplished.
All that the serpent was trying to do from the conversation with the woman was simply to make man break the God given instruction, but don't let the devil take you to the valley of disobedience. Instead of waiting for the time to shift blame on the devil, your husband, wife, children, boss, teacher or anybody, simply refuse to be drawn into the process that breaks the law of God. In Gen. 3:12-14, as soon as God asked what happened,
Adam shifted the blame on the woman and the woman on the serpent. Did you notice that shifting the blame did not save anyone of them from God's punishment? Everybody was served his/her own punishment accordingly. This simply means that God wants everybody to confront the devil whenever he entices one to disobey Him, for anyone who disobeys God will not go without punishment.
* Say to the devil, ‘I shut my ears, eyes, thought and imagination to you permanently.
* Declare every satanic access to your destiny blocked now.
* Ask for God’s pardon and mercy for carelessness that could have opened your life to sin.
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