Text: Acts 10:38
MORE LESSONS: Matt 25: 14-30
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 Chronicles33-36
There is the anointing for doing good; an empowerment that God gives a man and expects Him to profit himself and other people with it. The anointing is for healing, progress, refuge and goodness both to the person who bears it and whoever encounters it. Anointing people with oil in church is not a religious ceremony because there is a profit that God expects to come to everyone after the anointing. If you are anointed, graced and gifted by God to be able to do anything, know that God expects it to profit you and everyone around you. It is important to know that the glory, anointing and blessings that God gives you are for positively impacting lives. It is not for you to accumulate materials for yourself and family only.
I want you to know that God likes profits.
From the Bible texts that we read, we know that when God invests He expects profit. The Bible also affirms, But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal: 1 Cor. 12: 7. One way of making sure there is profit on God's gifting, talent and anointing on your life is to actively put it to use for the good of others and you also will reap profits from it. The servants that are given five and two talents put them to use and make profits for the Master and He is pleased herewith them and rewards them.
By putting the talents to use, they profit themselves, profit the people that they offer services to n addition to making profits for the Master. The servant that is given one talent goes ahead to hide it in order not to lose it. But it is also of no use to humanity, to the Master or to himself. Therefore the Master punishes him for not making profit.
A lot of Christians have run down their businesses, careers, ministries and lives because they think that God doesn't like profit. Some believers in business can buy something for N20 and sell it for N15, thinking that is holiness. That's being religious, not being spiritual. It is God's desire that you have extra over your input. It is a good thing when you gain in life; for every of your input in life, you should get what you put in and more for profit. The investment of God in your life will not be a waste, in Jesus’ name. I pray for you that in all your lifetime, you shall be profitable to yourself, your family, the church, the world and the Kingdom of God at large.
* Pray that you will not waste God’s investments in your life.
* Declare over your endeavours that the anointing of God will yield great profits from today.