Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Gift of Faith

READ: I Cor . 12:1-1 1
MORE LESSONS: Heb 11:30-39
Bible Reading in one Year: Ezra 5-7

A brother once gave his testimony: He was taken to the hospital after a sickness and he died; he was confirmed dead by the doctor. When the wife was told, she laughed and said her husband could not die. The doctor thought the woman had lost her mind and was trying to calm her down. But the woman calmly replied, Oh I'm fine. My husband is not dead. The doctor felt her response was due to the momentary shock and he contacted the other members of the family.

When they came she told them that the husband was alive and would wake up and that they should join her in praying and believing God for him. The family members agreed. On the second day the sister was still praying and confessing; however the man still laid dead, so the relatives said they should bury him. Their faith had run out, but the woman insisted that the man would not be buried because he was not dead. It became a tug of war as the relatives claimed that the man was their son and must be buried and the woman claimed her right to say where her husband should be, and that they could not bury him without her permission. They threatened her with legal action but she was unwavering.

After a while the Lord opened the dead man’s eyes to see what was happening on the earth and he saw his wife kneeling beside his body and praying, O God, this man is not dead, send him back here, in Jesus’ name. For it is written, By faith women received their dead raised to life again...: Heb 11:35 Jehovah told the man, I can't deny such faith, go back. And the dead man woke up.

There is the general faith but there is the gift of faith which the Lord imparts upon a person's heart in times of demand and the person does some things that are so daring and the impossible becomes possible by the Spirit of the Lord. Every believer has a measure of faith, . . . according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith: Rom 12: 3. In fact, we know, by grace are ye saved through faith . . . . Eph 2: 8. However, for victory in the battles of life and to achieve the impossible, you need this higher level of faith.

The relatives of the man had general faith while the woman who believed to the end had the gift of faith. May God impart that gift upon your spirit for exploits starting from today, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask God for the gift of faith for trying times.
* Ask God to help you trust Him for impossible situations.
* Pray that you will be an addition to the roll call of men of faith.
Tell yourself, “With God all things are possible”. ?

Friday, July 25, 2014

God Cares

Text: Psa. 34:15-22
MORE LESSONS: Job 36:5-12
Bible Reading in one Year: Ezra 1-4

Our text today is the answer to one of the greatest questions we are confronted with in life. God is Jehovah the breasted One, ever ready to help all those who come to Him. If you want to know whether someone cares about you or not, check whether he often offers you a listening ear, a helping hand, and encourages you when you are downcast. These are some of the things that the Lord does in the lives of His children.

Sometimes you hear people say, No one will ever know how I feel, and no one seems to care. David had a similar experience of abandonment by his friends and allies. However, understanding the God in whom he trusted, David insisted, God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble: Psa.46:1.

How comforting it is when we are in trouble to know that God cares. The Lord is always near but especially tender with us when we are broken-hearted. No situation is too difficult for God to handle and He is ever willing to help His own. Knowing this, Peter encourages, Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you: I Pet. 5:7T o receive constant care from the Lord you must learn to call upon Him in prayer and live in His presence daily. Thereafter, He will command people to give you succour and care for you in any situation.

Moreover as a child of God, if you are in need, feel free to talk to other children of God about it. God can use them to meet your need and He will, in Jesus' name. Many times children of God languish in their troubles because they listen to the enemy. Satan may try to convince you not to tell people your problems because they can’t help you. It’s satan's gimmick to keep you in trouble perpetually. Break the chain today and be free forever. God cares for you and so do other children of His.

* Father, help me to always remember that You care for me.
* I receive the grace to give and receive care from others.

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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Anointing for Profit

Text: Acts 10:38
MORE LESSONS: Matt 25: 14-30
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 Chronicles33-36

There is the anointing for doing good; an empowerment that God gives a man and expects Him to profit himself and other people with it. The anointing is for healing, progress, refuge and goodness both to the person who bears it and whoever encounters it. Anointing people with oil in church is not a religious ceremony because there is a profit that God expects to come to everyone after the anointing. If you are anointed, graced and gifted by God to be able to do anything, know that God expects it to profit you and everyone around you. It is important to know that the glory, anointing and blessings that God gives you are for positively impacting lives. It is not for you to accumulate materials for yourself and family only.
I want you to know that God likes profits.

From the Bible texts that we read, we know that when God invests He expects profit. The Bible also affirms, But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal: 1 Cor. 12: 7. One way of making sure there is profit on God's gifting, talent and anointing on your life is to actively put it to use for the good of others and you also will reap profits from it. The servants that are given five and two talents put them to use and make profits for the Master and He is pleased herewith them and rewards them.

By putting the talents to use, they profit themselves, profit the people that they offer services to n addition to making profits for the Master. The servant that is given one talent goes ahead to hide it in order not to lose it. But it is also of no use to humanity, to the Master or to himself. Therefore the Master punishes him for not making profit.

A lot of Christians have run down their businesses, careers, ministries and lives because they think that God doesn't like profit. Some believers in business can buy something for N20 and sell it for N15, thinking that is holiness. That's being religious, not being spiritual. It is God's desire that you have extra over your input. It is a good thing when you gain in life; for every of your input in life, you should get what you put in and more for profit. The investment of God in your life will not be a waste, in Jesus’ name. I pray for you that in all your lifetime, you shall be profitable to yourself, your family, the church, the world and the Kingdom of God at large.

* Pray that you will not waste God’s investments in your life.
* Declare over your endeavours that the anointing of God will yield great profits from today.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Testimony to Others

Text: 1 Cor .10: 1-11
MORE LESSONS: Heb. 1 1:32-40
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 Chronicles 30-32

There are many accounts of people in the Bible that we read and get instructed, blessed, warned, encouraged and directed. These people stand as testimonies of righteousness, holiness, overcoming trial and temptation, faith and many other virtues to us. But we seem to overlook the fact that these stories are records of real life situations of real people with emotions, desires and limitations like us. So when we read what happened to them as lessons, we argue and theologise about them. However, we complain when things don’t work for us, forgetting that God could be making us pass through things that will be a testimony to others as well.

The point is that when you are going through a difficult time in life, sometimes it is for a lesson. And the lessons are not necessarily for you, they may be for somebody else. It could even be for a generation yet to come. Today, having drawn lessons and inspiration from the life of Sarah, we can have faith in God that no matter how long a woman waits, she can give birth to a child. Even after menopause we know that God still gives children as He did for ninety year old Sarah. I believe the lesson that has helped the faith of many today was a painful experience for Sarah when she was going through it.

These days we have lessons from what people like Daniel went through Dan 6:3-24). Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are great lessons of faith in God or us today (Dan 3: 1-30). We were not born when these people passed through these crises but God took them through some things so that we can learn from their experiences. Today we can have confidence that it is possible to enter into a lions’ den and not be devoured, or go through fire and not be consumed. You may be going through a hard time and you don't understand why. It may be a testimony in the making that will strengthen and save many in the future. I pray that God will cause you to finally make a profit of the situation.

Your strength shall be renewed and you will have victory over the matter. And when all s said and done, you will be fully recompensed by the Lord, in Jesus’ name.
May your challenge become a testimony, not only for you but many others after you, “Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come”. I Cor . 10:1 1.

* Pray that your challenge will become a blessing, a positive example for others to trust God.
* Give God thanks for what He is able to do through your present challenge.
* Pray for strength to stand till victory comes.