Text: Ps. 127: 3-5
More Lessons: 2Tim.1:1-6
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 64-66
The presence of children in the home brings joy to the parents because: 1. they are gifts from God; 2. an addition to the family; 3. the joy of nursing somebody for a beautiful future; 4. assurance of continuity of the family; 5. companion for family members, particularly when a partner is away for a reason. Children have great roles to play in homes and thereby can 'infect' the home with happiness or with sorrow, pain, regret or shame, depending on handling. T o contribute to the happiness of the home, you must be in tune with the Lord Jesus.
The major role of a child in the home is obedience to parents (Eph 6:1-3,Prov 6:20, Exodus 20:12, Prov 15:5, Col. 3: 20) which affects every other responsibility. Obedience to parents’ instructions serves as a way of training the child in different areas of life. Participation, practice and following parents’ examples via deliberate process of learning from them, help children fulfil their roles. For instance, Isaac must have been following Abraham for sacrifice and knew things required. That was the reason for Isaac's question to Abraham ...but where is the lamb for a burnt offering...: Gen 22: 4-8; a suggestion to avert failure. Isaac believed what Abraham told him in reply. This was a trait of Abraham's faith already in Isaac. Isaac also showed a great act of obedience in accepting to be the lamb for the sacrifice. Therefore, observe your parents pattern of actions at home and church and as parents set good examples in actions or reactions at home. Also, join your faith with that of your parent's in family and other matters of life.
Jesus went about doing good while living in the world. He even obeyed His parents even while in discussion with doctors of law despite saying ...wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?(Luke 2:46-51). Also, at the marriage of Cana, despite inital remark that His time had not yet come, He gave instruction for the pots to be filled with water and turned the water into wine. His glory was manifested and Mary and Joseph must have been overwhelmed with joy for their 'child' and family being a blessing. Jesus also was obedient to God the father (Heb. 5: 8, Phil. 2: 8).
The prodigal son's brother said, ...Lo, these many years do I serve thee, neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment...: Luke 15:29. His father did not refute this. Also, God said concerning Jesus: ...This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased: Mat. 3:17. What are the testimonies of your father, mother, church leaders and God about you? Do you make your parents and church leaders happy by obeying them and following their examples? You have a great role to play at home and in church. Be faithful in all and God will reward you.
* Lord, our children will not reject God's Word and the necessary training given to them.
* Our children will be a blessing at home, church and society.
* Lord, we will not bring forth for trouble and sorrow.
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