Text: Ps. 127: 3-5
More Lessons: Prov. 17:6
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 61-63
Children are compared to an arrow in the hands of a mighty man. Arrows are weapons of war and a potential during warfare or a device to help achieve a purpose, they are useful and effective only when they are sharp, strong and handled properly. Our text shows that children have great roles to play in homes. Therefore, parents must be strong in the Lord and diligently train (instruct, teach, correct and encourage) their children (Deut 6: 4-9, Prov. 22:6) to be arrows that can glorify God and make their parents happy . However, a child left untrained will not amount to anything good at home and in the society but a tool in satan' s hand (1Sam. 2: 12-17).
Children’s potentials as arrows become evident when they accept God's Word and necessary parental training as the lives of some children in the Bible show. In 2Kings 5:1-15, Naaman's wife's housemaid was bold and had faith to tell her mistress of the living God in Israel who could heal Naaman of leprosy. Naaman got his healing via the counsel by that small Israeli girl. In Genesis 37:1-11, Joseph knew and feared God at a tender age (Gen 39:9) and did not participate in the evil acts of his brethren while in the field. Also, in Portiphar's house he refused to engage in sexual immorality with Portiphar's wife (Gen. 39: 8-12). Do not engage in evil acts or join others to do the same anywhere. The exploits of Daniel in Babylon: refusal to eat the king’s meal, determination not to defile himself (Dan 1:4-8) and the manifestation of the excellent spirit in him in understanding visions and dreams (Dan 2:17-19) were based on training in Israel and his company . Have godly friends that can help you to be closer to God and enjoy His help to do exploits. James and John the sons of Zebedee were at the sea side with their father, mending their nets (Matthew 4:20-22) when Jesus met them. They were involved in their father's occupation to give him hope, help, defence and companionship not minding the risks involved. No wonder they also stayed and became special disciples of Jesus. Help and encourage your parents in their occupation.
Jeremiah 35:6-10 records the exploits of the sons of Jonadab (the son of Rechab). They did not question their father's instruction. God recognized the obedience of the Rechabites and declared that the family “will always have descendants who will worship me” (a blessing). God will help you to stand by godly instructions of your parents, in Jesus’ name. May God help you to be a blessing indeed in your home and society in Jesus name.
* Lord, help me to be strong spiritually and be able to help my children achieve their potentials.
* Declare that your children will not serve their enemies.
* Ask the Lord to help your children to be obedient like the Rechabites.
* Say, “Lord, use me to do great exploits in your name”.
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More Lessons: Prov. 17:6
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 61-63
Children are compared to an arrow in the hands of a mighty man. Arrows are weapons of war and a potential during warfare or a device to help achieve a purpose, they are useful and effective only when they are sharp, strong and handled properly. Our text shows that children have great roles to play in homes. Therefore, parents must be strong in the Lord and diligently train (instruct, teach, correct and encourage) their children (Deut 6: 4-9, Prov. 22:6) to be arrows that can glorify God and make their parents happy . However, a child left untrained will not amount to anything good at home and in the society but a tool in satan' s hand (1Sam. 2: 12-17).
Children’s potentials as arrows become evident when they accept God's Word and necessary parental training as the lives of some children in the Bible show. In 2Kings 5:1-15, Naaman's wife's housemaid was bold and had faith to tell her mistress of the living God in Israel who could heal Naaman of leprosy. Naaman got his healing via the counsel by that small Israeli girl. In Genesis 37:1-11, Joseph knew and feared God at a tender age (Gen 39:9) and did not participate in the evil acts of his brethren while in the field. Also, in Portiphar's house he refused to engage in sexual immorality with Portiphar's wife (Gen. 39: 8-12). Do not engage in evil acts or join others to do the same anywhere. The exploits of Daniel in Babylon: refusal to eat the king’s meal, determination not to defile himself (Dan 1:4-8) and the manifestation of the excellent spirit in him in understanding visions and dreams (Dan 2:17-19) were based on training in Israel and his company . Have godly friends that can help you to be closer to God and enjoy His help to do exploits. James and John the sons of Zebedee were at the sea side with their father, mending their nets (Matthew 4:20-22) when Jesus met them. They were involved in their father's occupation to give him hope, help, defence and companionship not minding the risks involved. No wonder they also stayed and became special disciples of Jesus. Help and encourage your parents in their occupation.
Jeremiah 35:6-10 records the exploits of the sons of Jonadab (the son of Rechab). They did not question their father's instruction. God recognized the obedience of the Rechabites and declared that the family “will always have descendants who will worship me” (a blessing). God will help you to stand by godly instructions of your parents, in Jesus’ name. May God help you to be a blessing indeed in your home and society in Jesus name.
* Lord, help me to be strong spiritually and be able to help my children achieve their potentials.
* Declare that your children will not serve their enemies.
* Ask the Lord to help your children to be obedient like the Rechabites.
* Say, “Lord, use me to do great exploits in your name”.
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