Saturday, August 23, 2014

Build upon the Rock l

Text: Matt. 7:24-27
More Lessons: 1 Pet. 1:23-25
Bible Reading in one Year: 1 Corinthians 1-3

The foundation is very important in any building. A building is only as strong as its foundation. A particular house had cracks on the wall and a civil engineer was called to detect the fault. He reported that the cracks on walls were as a result of faults in the foundation. So even if the walls were removed and new ones built on the same foundation, cracks will still appear on the new walls unless the problem with the foundation is dealt with. That shows how important a foundation is and the implications of having a faulty foundation.

Every life is built on a foundation but many build their lives on faulty foundations while some build on the words of men, or on what their parents told them, many build on their own experiences. But the only right foundation to build your life on is the Word of God. Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. Matt 7:24-25 KJV. In a normal occurrence of rainfall, one would expect the storm and rain to come first, and then a flood. But here, Jesus tells us that the rain will first come down, then the flood and then follows the wind. The flood came first when the rain started so as to test the foundation and since the foundation was strong, the winds also could not bring it down. If it was built on sand, the flood would have carried the sand away and a little wind would be sufficient to bring down the whole house. The house did not fall on the strength of its foundation. A foolish man will build on the sand because he cannot go through the stress of digging a foundation on the rock. People prefer to get it quick so they device many ungodly ways and methods to get to their goals so they do not end well, because they have neglected the true foundation.

The Word of God is the Solid Foundation for destiny. Be a wise man today and build on the foundation that stands sure. Undoubtedly, trying times will come but whether you will stand in the face of these challenges or not depends upon what foundation you are building your life on. The wisdom for building a life that will not crumble is in the Words of Christ which can never fail. Be a doer of the word of Jesus because all things will fail …but the word of the Lord endures forever: 1 Pet. 1:25. This Word is the Rock upon which you should build. Today, ask yourself, does your life principles correspond with God’s Word, or contrary to it? Does your life run based on God’s Word? There is hope that you will not fail in destiny if you have built on the rock.

*Ask God to help you build your life only on what God’s Word says.
* Ask God for His divine guidance and leading for daily living.
* Pray that your labour will not be ruined by any rain, flood or storm.

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Friday, August 22, 2014

Children's Roles II

Text: Ps. 127: 3-5
More Lessons: 2Tim.1:1-6
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 64-66

The presence of children in the home brings joy to the parents because: 1. they are gifts from God; 2. an addition to the family; 3. the joy of nursing somebody for a beautiful future; 4. assurance of continuity of the family; 5. companion for family members, particularly when a partner is away for a reason. Children have great roles to play in homes and thereby can 'infect' the home with happiness or with sorrow, pain, regret or shame, depending on handling. T o contribute to the happiness of the home, you must be in tune with the Lord Jesus.

The major role of a child in the home is obedience to parents (Eph 6:1-3,Prov 6:20, Exodus 20:12, Prov 15:5, Col. 3: 20) which affects every other responsibility. Obedience to parents’ instructions serves as a way of training the child in different areas of life. Participation, practice and following parents’ examples via deliberate process of learning from them, help children fulfil their roles. For instance, Isaac must have been following Abraham for sacrifice and knew things required. That was the reason for Isaac's question to Abraham ...but where is the lamb for a burnt offering...: Gen 22: 4-8; a suggestion to avert failure. Isaac believed what Abraham told him in reply. This was a trait of Abraham's faith already in Isaac. Isaac also showed a great act of obedience in accepting to be the lamb for the sacrifice. Therefore, observe your parents pattern of actions at home and church and as parents set good examples in actions or reactions at home. Also, join your faith with that of your parent's in family and other matters of life.

Jesus went about doing good while living in the world. He even obeyed His parents even while in discussion with doctors of law despite saying ...wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?(Luke 2:46-51). Also, at the marriage of Cana, despite inital remark that His time had not yet come, He gave instruction for the pots to be filled with water and turned the water into wine. His glory was manifested and Mary and Joseph must have been overwhelmed with joy for their 'child' and family being a blessing. Jesus also was obedient to God the father (Heb. 5: 8, Phil. 2: 8).
The prodigal son's brother said, ...Lo, these many years do I serve thee, neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment...: Luke 15:29. His father did not refute this. Also, God said concerning Jesus: ...This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased: Mat. 3:17. What are the testimonies of your father, mother, church leaders and God about you? Do you make your parents and church leaders happy by obeying them and following their examples? You have a great role to play at home and in church. Be faithful in all and God will reward you.

* Lord, our children will not reject God's Word and the necessary training given to them.
* Our children will be a blessing at home, church and society.
* Lord, we will not bring forth for trouble and sorrow.

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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Children's Roles I

Text: Ps. 127: 3-5
More Lessons: Prov. 17:6
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 61-63

Children are compared to an arrow in the hands of a mighty man. Arrows are weapons of war and a potential during warfare or a device to help achieve a purpose, they are useful and effective only when they are sharp, strong and handled properly. Our text shows that children have great roles to play in homes. Therefore, parents must be strong in the Lord and diligently train (instruct, teach, correct and encourage) their children (Deut 6: 4-9, Prov. 22:6) to be arrows that can glorify God and make their parents happy . However, a child left untrained will not amount to anything good at home and in the society but a tool in satan' s hand (1Sam. 2: 12-17).

Children’s potentials as arrows become evident when they accept God's Word and necessary parental training as the lives of some children in the Bible show. In 2Kings 5:1-15, Naaman's wife's housemaid was bold and had faith to tell her mistress of the living God in Israel who could heal Naaman of leprosy. Naaman got his healing via the counsel by that small Israeli girl. In Genesis 37:1-11, Joseph knew and feared God at a tender age (Gen 39:9) and did not participate in the evil acts of his brethren while in the field. Also, in Portiphar's house he refused to engage in sexual immorality with Portiphar's wife (Gen. 39: 8-12). Do not engage in evil acts or join others to do the same anywhere. The exploits of Daniel in Babylon: refusal to eat the king’s meal, determination not to defile himself (Dan 1:4-8) and the manifestation of the excellent spirit in him in understanding visions and dreams (Dan 2:17-19) were based on training in Israel and his company . Have godly friends that can help you to be closer to God and enjoy His help to do exploits. James and John the sons of Zebedee were at the sea side with their father, mending their nets (Matthew 4:20-22) when Jesus met them. They were involved in their father's occupation to give him hope, help, defence and companionship not minding the risks involved. No wonder they also stayed and became special disciples of Jesus. Help and encourage your parents in their occupation.

Jeremiah 35:6-10 records the exploits of the sons of Jonadab (the son of Rechab). They did not question their father's instruction. God recognized the obedience of the Rechabites and declared that the family “will always have descendants who will worship me” (a blessing). God will help you to stand by godly instructions of your parents, in Jesus’ name. May God help you to be a blessing indeed in your home and society in Jesus name.

* Lord, help me to be strong spiritually and be able to help my children achieve their potentials.
* Declare that your children will not serve their enemies.
* Ask the Lord to help your children to be obedient like the Rechabites.
* Say, “Lord, use me to do great exploits in your name”.

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Parenting: Father and Mother

Text: Psa. 127:3-5
More Lessons: Eph 6:1-5, Deut. 4:9-10
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 58-60

A father has a priestly role in the home. The work of a priest is to bless the people and represent them before God. A priest is the cover for the people he represents because he appears before God for them. So a father is a burden bearer of the house. He carries the burden of all his family members before God and intercedes on their behalf. A priest blesses the people he represents and prays against any curse that might be placed on them. A priest also guides and leads: the leadership of the father should first be seen in creating a spiritual atmosphere where the wife and the children can grow. He leads them in the way of the Lord by first being an example for the whole family to follow.

The Lord says of Abraham …I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD… Gen 18:19. This is the role a father should play in the house. Doing the will of the Lord should not be a matter of choice for the wife and the children; it is what the father should command to be done. The days we live in are days where there are laws and regulations that have collapsed the true nature of the family institution that God created. Many of our fundamental rights are totally against the Bible. A child in some developed countries can get his parents arrested for correcting him for doing what is wrong.
This is what the world is becoming and we should not forget that we are Christians and are not of the world. The father is an instructor. As an instructor he should not spare the rod. The Bible says in Pro 13:24, He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him quickly. The little things you ignore today may later hunt the future of the child you spoilt. A son who is without chastisement is like a bastard. Children have their excesses and most times these are not to be ignored. There are stories all around of parents who go to their children's school to fight because a teacher disciplined them. Discipline does not kill a child but ignoring discipline does (Pro 23: 13-14). Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying: Pro 19:18. When you truly train up a child in the way he should go, you have secured the future for him because he will not depart from what he has learnt.

Children are God's heritage and we have the responsibility of raising them for the glory of God. Parenting is not limited to fathers alone, it is an assignment for fathers and mothers together. Since it took the two to bring forth, the two must also build them. Fathers must carry their wives along in building the children and leading the home. The consequences of a divided home can only be imagined. A home comprises of the father, mother and children and all have a God-given role to play in the making of a good home.

*Ask God for a priestly anointing upon all present and future parents.
* Ask God to help all mothers to be true help meets and co-builders in the bond.

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