Text: Gen 27:30
MORE LESSONS: Deut. 28:1-2
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 67-69
Isaac had two children and when he was dying, he handed over that covenant to Jacob; that is the possession of the house of Jacob. Isaac said to Jacob, ‘the agreement between God, my father and I hand it over to you, Let it happen to you that you will be blessed, and be great. Jacob will have a great name, through Jacob the families of the earth shall be blessed. Isaac said to Jacob you go and enjoy that in your own time let it become a reality. There is an argument that Jacob was not the one actually due for the blessing, because the blessing was to be transferred to the first born. Remember that Esau lost his birth right to Jacob. So when Isaac gave the inheritance of that blessing to Jacob he was simply giving it to the first born. Remember also that after Jacob collected that promise, he ran from home because Esau was angry, bitter and looking for how to get it. But here in this scripture, the Bible says there is a possession meant for Jacob- a great name. In Jesus’ name you will have a great name. Those blessings were worth fighting for; that through Abraham all the families of the earth shall be blessed. Is that not a big thing?
Imagine that through you everyone who will be happy on the earth is because they are connected to you. Jacob got the blessing and ran away. Esau did everything to get it, but he could not get it. And to worsen the matter for Esau, the Bible says those things that God had promised Jacob, he will get them. You will remember that Jacob had his name changed to Israel which means everyone connected with Israel will receive the blessing of Genesis 12; they will be blessed, they will be great. The fact that you are connected to Abraham via Israel guarantees two things- that you are blessed and that you are great.
That is the promise God gave Abraham and it came to pass through Israel. If you are born again then you are connected to Abraham through Israel because Jesus came from Israel. Everybody connected with Jesus is blessed and must be great. That is the reason why in 2014 you shouldn't think yourself low or small. You shouldn't think yourself a cursed person. You are not cursed; you are blessed, you are favoured, you are a special person. Reject anything less because for being connected with Jesus through salvation, the blessing promised Abraham is yours.
Ask for the following covenant blessings in Gen. 27:28-29 to be fulfilled in your life.
The dew of heaven, the fatness of the earth, plenty of corn and wine, are yours. Claim them, Nations will bow down before you, Cursed be everyone that curses you and blessed be everyone that blesses you.
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