Text: Acts 1:8
More lessons: Isaiah 32:15
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 58-60
Life is not worth living without power. There is a deep craving in man for true power. Adam and Eve sinned because the enemy could appeal to their craving for power, and convince them that the tree of knowledge of good and evil will impart new powers on them that God didn't want them to have. Thus, he led them into disobedience and then death. This means, they did not intend to sin, but to be more powerful, so they didn't mind taking sides with the enemy just to be more powerful. The same applies today as people don't mind doing anything including ritual killings and every corrupt practice just to be more powerful. Why do we eat food? Is it not for energy or to gain power? Every sin is linked to a perverted craving for power and every good work is linked to a righteous craving for power.
The craving is not the matter, it is where we go to quench our power thirst that really matters. The first thing our text shows us about those who are filled with the Holy Spirit is that, they will walk in God's power. It is not just a promise, it is the reality of every one who will dare to grow in intimacy with the spirit of the all-powerful God. The Holy Spirit is not power, He is the envoy of power. The secret of power is to develop intimacy with the power-man. Fuel by itself is not motion but when a car engine has fuel, motion and speed are possible. Every assignment and purpose require power of performance to bring them to fruition, even so life without the power of the Holy Spirit is a joke.
The second thing in our text is that the power of the Holy Spirit makes ordinary men achieve global feats ...and ye shall be witnesses unto me . . . unto the uttermost part of the earth: you can shock your world, you can touch the apex of your carrier, you can make eternal impact if you drink deep into the power of the Holy Spirit. There are two levels of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The first is the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit - this happens when you accept Jesus as Lord and King of your life 1 Corinthians 12:3, and next is the infilling power of the Holy Spirit - this is where the baptism of power occurs accompanied by the evidence of praying in other tongues. Acts 2:4. Are you thirsty for the Holy Ghost? Ask Jesus to baptize you NOW. Have you already received the Holy Ghost? Pray in other tongues and Let him refresh you again.
*Thank God for the indwelling of Holy Spirit in you.
*Ask for grace to be a witness wherever you find yourself.
*Pray that you will continuously set your mind in things of eternal purpose.
*Declare that your life will be of continuous impact.
Be a witness to someone today.
Ask Jesus to baptize you with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues.
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