Text: John 14:16
More lessons: Acts 19:1-7
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 52-54
So much is said, debated and argued out about the Holy Spirit in discussion blogs, articles, religious seminars, local assemblies and Christian inter-denominational meetings today. It is a rather sad thing to note that throughout church history, the major doctrinal divide that pulled the body of Christ apart stemmed from arguments about the ministry of the Holy Spirit, His gifts, its manifestations and function in the church. We can talk all we want but until we experience the Holy Spirit for ourselves, we can only discuss our opinions, we will never be able to capture the truth about Him.
It is not opinions, but only the truth that can make us free. I believe that the first real discovery which will set us in motion on our way to the truth about this precious Spirit of God is the realization that beyond the gentle fresh wind blowing on goose bumps, more than the bright and cloven tongues of fire, transcending the white little dove; the Holy Spirit is a person. He has a face. He is real! He is tangible: He can be felt. He can speak. He can hear. He can smile. He can be grieved. He can laugh.
The Holy Spirit has a great sense of humour. Those who have personal experiences with Him know that He is the best friend anybody can have. Even when you are alone, with Holy Spirit you are never lonely. Many people find it easier to reckon with God the Father and God the Son as persons but when it comes to God the Holy Spirit, they just think He is merely a force or current of wind, a fume of white smoke rising to the clouds, or another explanation for mysterious things.
This is the reason why many never get it right and end up in vain arguments or apostasy; they want to know about 'it' instead of looking to know Him. Jesus reveals Him as a person in our text ...that He may abide with you forever. He wants to be your consuming passion. He wants to invigorate you with power to walk in your destiny fulfilment. He is the Spirit of Jesus sent to enable us do greater works than Jesus did. No one born of a woman can love like God except by Him the Holy Spirit. Romans 5:5. One with the Holy Ghost, is majority. Say YES to the Holy Ghost and never walk alone.
*Thank God for the gift of a Comforter, who abides with us forever.
*Ask for grace to personally discover/experience the person of the Holy Spirit.
*Pray that you will not repel the workings of the Holy Spirit in your life.
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