Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fire Extinguishers II

Text: 2 Cor. 6:14-16
More lessons: Gal. 5:19-26
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 106-108

Last time we saw one enemy of the burning flames of God's power in the life of the believer. We will go ahead to examine a few others. First, you can lose the fire by inconsistent prayer life. You pray for one hour today, you pray for two hours tomorrow, you pray for ten minutes thereafter you can't keep the fire that way. The fire of God must be kept consistently. And the only way it can burn is by ensuring that you are consistent with it. Be consistent with your prayer life.

Don't let anything easily distract you from your hour of prayer, be it official assignment, domestic chores, activities in the house e.t.c. let people know you that when it comes to the time of your devotion with God you are consistent, nobody can take it from you. When you are not consistent in your prayer life you lose your fire.
So also with insufficient prayer life. What we are referring to here is the quantity of prayer. Can you imagine you bring up a Christian for five solid years and his whole prayer time in a day is not more than thirty minutes? You have been a Christian for three years and people still need to remind you about prayer meetings and Bible studies; it is not sufficient. Jesus asked His disciples how come you can’t keep watch with me for an hour. That is the minimum. A believer should pursue it. Whether you break it to thirty minutes, fifteen minutes or three times a day minimum for you to be able to say I keep my fire on; you must be able to say by the grace of God I kept my watch for one hour. But for some, one hour prayer is the beginning of prayer. With insufficient prayer, you can not possess anything.

Thirdly, wrong environment does not allow fire. If you put on your candle light and you stay outside, it will quench. Mind where you carry your fire to, mind who your friends are. Wrong environment quenches fire, anywhere there is water fire cannot stay; mind your friends that are water- fire extinguishers. If you have a life partner that is a fire extinguisher escape, don't because of marriage go to hell. You have a very good friend in school very caring but he is a sinner, escape! It is better to die in poverty than to collect all the help on the face of the earth and go to hell. Some, your best friends are unbelievers, first class die hard unbelievers who don't believe in your way of life nor the God you serve. Those who have no morality, no standard. No direction. If you walk with them, you will live like them. Watch out for fire extinguishers. They are everywhere these days.

* Ask God to help you keep your faith in this season of negative influences.
* Pray that you will not live a careless, and reckless life.
* Ask God to quicken you in the place of prayer until the bow of steel can be broken by your hand.

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