Monday, October 6, 2014

It is your Right to be Blessed

Text: Gen 27:30
MORE LESSONS: Deut. 28:1-2
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 67-69

Isaac had two children and when he was dying, he handed over that covenant to Jacob; that is the possession of the house of Jacob. Isaac said to Jacob, ‘the agreement between God, my father and I hand it over to you, Let it happen to you that you will be blessed, and be great. Jacob will have a great name, through Jacob the families of the earth shall be blessed. Isaac said to Jacob you go and enjoy that in your own time let it become a reality. There is an argument that Jacob was not the one actually due for the blessing, because the blessing was to be transferred to the first born. Remember that Esau lost his birth right to Jacob. So when Isaac gave the inheritance of that blessing to Jacob he was simply giving it to the first born. Remember also that after Jacob collected that promise, he ran from home because Esau was angry, bitter and looking for how to get it. But here in this scripture, the Bible says there is a possession meant for Jacob- a great name. In Jesus’ name you will have a great name. Those blessings were worth fighting for; that through Abraham all the families of the earth shall be blessed. Is that not a big thing?
Imagine that through you everyone who will be happy on the earth is because they are connected to you. Jacob got the blessing and ran away. Esau did everything to get it, but he could not get it. And to worsen the matter for Esau, the Bible says those things that God had promised Jacob, he will get them. You will remember that Jacob had his name changed to Israel which means everyone connected with Israel will receive the blessing of Genesis 12; they will be blessed, they will be great. The fact that you are connected to Abraham via Israel guarantees two things- that you are blessed and that you are great.
That is the promise God gave Abraham and it came to pass through Israel. If you are born again then you are connected to Abraham through Israel because Jesus came from Israel. Everybody connected with Jesus is blessed and must be great. That is the reason why in 2014 you shouldn't think yourself low or small. You shouldn't think yourself a cursed person. You are not cursed; you are blessed, you are favoured, you are a special person. Reject anything less because for being connected with Jesus through salvation, the blessing promised Abraham is yours.

Ask for the following covenant blessings in Gen. 27:28-29 to be fulfilled in your life.
The dew of heaven, the fatness of the earth, plenty of corn and wine, are yours. Claim them, Nations will bow down before you, Cursed be everyone that curses you and blessed be everyone that blesses you.

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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Growing in the Prophetic II

Text: 2 Peter 1:21
More lessons: 1 Cor. 14:3-6
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 64-66

Theological research and philosophy alone will not sharpen your spiritual sensitivity in the Holy Ghost. Theology is from two Greek words: 'theo' which refers to 'God' and 'logy' meaning to 'study' or 'sensual knowledge', Theology is an attempt to study God but God cannot be studied, He can only be revealed by His Spirit. That is why we speak of the book of revelation not information. A heart that is after the knowing that comes from what is revealed will grow in the spirit of prophecy.
Secondly, students of prophecy must see that the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy. As a tree is to a leaf, so is the testimony of Jesus to the Spirit of prophecy. Theology will provide a bed rock for sermonizing but the Spirit of prophecy has no respect for theology, it only responds to the heart and soul that is pulsing after the Father's heart. Only those who receive the testimony of Jesus - (those who are addicted to the words and works of Jesus, who will weigh every prophecy , trance, dream, open vision or angelic encounter on the balances of the person and principles of Jesus), will launch into strong prophetic depths and heights without perversion or pollution.
The original word 'testimony' is the same word rendered ' testament', and to every testament there is a testator. Jesus is the Testator of the new covenant. It is impossible to reflect the New Testament Spirit of prophecy in condemnation and judgmental utterance but in edification, exhortation and comfort. Yielding to the inner prompting of that testament of Jesus written on the tablets of your born-again heart will always lead to an eruption of the Spirit of prophecy.

* Pray that the Spirit of prophesy will envelop you afresh in your service to God.
Study a prophetic passage today and apply it to your life.

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Saturday, October 4, 2014

Growing in the Prophetic I

Text: Revelation 19:10
More lessons: 2 Cor. 12:1-2
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 61-63

Today's text is extracted from the most mystical book in the entire Bible - the book of Revelation. It is a highly eschatological piece of divine literature that delivers its truths in signs, symbols, figures, and types. It was penned by John, the apostle who laid on Jesus' bosom at meals and was known by the twelve as the disciple Jesus loved. The book came after awesome encounters and 3rd heaven visitation on the island of Patmos where he was abandoned to die after attempts to kill him in boiling oil failed times and times again.
The thoughts that flow through most minds when it comes to the content of this book are those of fear and terror, scary creatures and bloody scenes. However, one truth about this prophetic book that everyone who wants to experience growth in the prophetic things of God must understand is that it is first and solely a revelation of Jesus Christ. The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: Revelation 1:1. If we must find increase in the prophetic, we must yearn for revelations of Jesus Christ. There are certain depths and heights in the Spirit of God that cannot be taught, they can only be caught. The scriptures declare that Paul was caught up into vision of the Lord, I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know — God knows: 2 Cor. 12:2.
We need to be caught up because the things we are being prepared to see and experience cannot be learned or researched. We must be brought into contact with the Spirit of revelation so that the things of God can be perceived and grasped by us. We are not mere mortals, we are spirit beings in mortal bodies and until we desire to be caught up into the spirit where we really belong we cannot see and participate in the prophetic manifestations of the Kingdom of God.

*Thank the father for access into the well of the prophetic
*Pray for a deeper insight in the things of God
*Pray for a fresh encounter with God that will change your life forever
*Ask for a discerning heart to clearly distinguish the prophetic that flows from God’s Spirit
*Pray against every counterfeit spirit around your life and destiny.

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Friday, October 3, 2014

The Power of the Holy Spirit

Text: Acts 1:8
More lessons: Isaiah 32:15
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 58-60

Life is not worth living without power. There is a deep craving in man for true power. Adam and Eve sinned because the enemy could appeal to their craving for power, and convince them that the tree of knowledge of good and evil will impart new powers on them that God didn't want them to have. Thus, he led them into disobedience and then death. This means, they did not intend to sin, but to be more powerful, so they didn't mind taking sides with the enemy just to be more powerful. The same applies today as people don't mind doing anything including ritual killings and every corrupt practice just to be more powerful. Why do we eat food? Is it not for energy or to gain power? Every sin is linked to a perverted craving for power and every good work is linked to a righteous craving for power. 

The craving is not the matter, it is where we go to quench our power thirst that really matters. The first thing our text shows us about those who are filled with the Holy Spirit is that, they will walk in God's power. It is not just a promise, it is the reality of every one who will dare to grow in intimacy with the spirit of the all-powerful God. The Holy Spirit is not power, He is the envoy of power. The secret of power is to develop intimacy with the power-man. Fuel by itself is not motion but when a car engine has fuel, motion and speed are possible. Every assignment and purpose require power of performance to bring them to fruition, even so life without the power of the Holy Spirit is a joke.

The second thing in our text is that the power of the Holy Spirit makes ordinary men achieve global feats ...and ye shall be witnesses unto me . . . unto the uttermost part of the earth: you can shock your world, you can touch the apex of your carrier, you can make eternal impact if you drink deep into the power of the Holy Spirit. There are two levels of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The first is the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit - this happens when you accept Jesus as Lord and King of your life 1 Corinthians 12:3, and next is the infilling power of the Holy Spirit - this is where the baptism of power occurs accompanied by the evidence of praying in other tongues. Acts 2:4. Are you thirsty for the Holy Ghost? Ask Jesus to baptize you NOW. Have you already received the Holy Ghost? Pray in other tongues and Let him refresh you again.

*Thank God for the indwelling of Holy Spirit in you.
*Ask for grace to be a witness wherever you find yourself.
*Pray that you will continuously set your mind in things of eternal purpose.
*Declare that your life will be of continuous impact.
Be a witness to someone today.
Ask Jesus to baptize you with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues.

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