Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Unmasking the Spirit of Esau II

Text: Gen 32:6-12
More lessons: Malachi 1:2-3
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 114-118

In unmasking the spirit of Esau, there are realities of the character of Esau we must uncover to walk in victory over its deception and fire quenching weaponry. Esau was an opposition leader. He was an opposition image. He learnt that his brother was coming home and what he did was to gang up an army and he was there leader. So as to confront the man that God has chosen. Genesis 32:6 …We came to thy brother Esau, and also he cometh to meet thee, and four hundred men with him. Everywhere you see images of opposition that's an Esau. Turn them to grass for easy dealing. The easiest way to deal with your enemy is to turn them to grass.
Turn him to grass and acquire fire.

Secondly, an Esau is an unrelenting adversary. That is somebody who takes offence against you again and again and refuses to be appeased. A believer doesn't do fight to finish, but there are enemies in destiny that make up their mind that whatever it will take them, they are ready to terminate you. I turn them to grass over you in the name of Jesus. Act 23:14; And they came to the chief priests and elders, and said, we have bound ourselves under a great curse, that we will eat nothing until we have slain Paul. There are enemies that have sworn like the ones who had sworn against Paul. They said we bind ourselves to a fast, none shall eat until we have seen the end of Paul- those are sworn enemies. They are Esau's friends.

Thirdly, Esau was a stubborn pursuer. Those are people who pursue a man's destiny even when he is pleaded for. They don't accept apology, they insist on pursuing a man. There are spirits like that; who take delight in taunting men and women with the flashes of guilt from their past and thereby restricting their ability to press in to destiny fulfilment. Sometimes, this spirit manifests as familiar or transgenerational spirits that work in the life of all members of a particular family or ethnic group. Gen 32:11 Deliver me, I pray thee, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau: for I fear him, lest he will come and smite me, and the mother with the children. This spirit demands to be avenged over the fathers’ wrongs from the children which they know nothing about. It seeks to wipe out entire generations. Just as Esau attempted over Jacob and his entire family. That is why you sometimes see a repeated evil or disaster over a family to the extend of gradual generational extinction. I forbid such spirits and forces over you and your entire family. Prayers, fastings, scriptural confessions, corporate anointing, and deliverance services are keys to overcoming these types of enemies.

* Ask God to expose every unrelenting enemy of your destiny and terminate them.
* Ask that the blood of Jesus will speak for your destiny over any generational evil.
With a fast, declare every re-occurring disaster ended in your family.

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Monday, October 20, 2014

Unmasking the Spirit of Esau I

Text: Obad. 1:17-18
More lessons: Hab. 12:16-17
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 109-113

There are dozens of lessons to learn about what not to do and how not to conduct oneself as a fire bearing Christian from the character of Esau the son of Isaac. Esau was a man who had no control over his emotion. Hunger finished him and he sold his birthright simply because he was hungry and could not persist enough. That is why God refers to him as stubble. Any time you trade your Christianity for anything else, you become a grass; fire will finish you one day. It doesn't matter what that thing is, people around you may not see anything wrong with it. People around you may even encourage you, but God knows in heaven that you have become grass like Esau. Fire will finish you, because at the end of age all sinners will go to hell. For this lack of control over your emotion, your tongue, the environment, falling into temptation frequently- check your fire!

Esau was the brother of Jacob but he was an arch enemy of Jacob. That was why God desired that Jacob should be fire while Esau should be grass. Because Esau is an enemy of God. It does matter the story the moment God chose a man, you better follow that man. It pleases God that Jacob should become the owner of the heritage of Abraham, whatever story you and I heard about Jacob not regarding that is God's choice and it stands. Don't ever put yourself to what God has chosen. The choice of God is Jacob and everybody who works against Jacob is an enemy of God, not enemy of Jacob alone but the enemy of God who made Jacob what he is. He chose Jacob; he is His choice, so anyone who works against Jacob works against Jehovah. I say to you, whoever works against your destiny works against Jehovah and will be turned to grass in Jesus' mighty name. I turn every work of the enemy against you to grass in the name of Jesus. I have never heard God say He hates someone until it came to Esau why- he confronted what God has chosen.

When God says He hates you even dying will not help the matter, it will make the matter worst. The spirit of Esau represents every negative power, thought and lust that is designed to stop the flames of God's fire in your life. Embrace the principles of the God of Jacob and stop the tantrums of the spirit of Esau in your life today.

* Pray against every home born enemies at home or at work.
* Declare every enemy position against you ordinary grass and command them to be consumed by fire.
* Pray that the fire of God upon your life will not go down.

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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fire Extinguishers II

Text: 2 Cor. 6:14-16
More lessons: Gal. 5:19-26
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 106-108

Last time we saw one enemy of the burning flames of God's power in the life of the believer. We will go ahead to examine a few others. First, you can lose the fire by inconsistent prayer life. You pray for one hour today, you pray for two hours tomorrow, you pray for ten minutes thereafter you can't keep the fire that way. The fire of God must be kept consistently. And the only way it can burn is by ensuring that you are consistent with it. Be consistent with your prayer life.

Don't let anything easily distract you from your hour of prayer, be it official assignment, domestic chores, activities in the house e.t.c. let people know you that when it comes to the time of your devotion with God you are consistent, nobody can take it from you. When you are not consistent in your prayer life you lose your fire.
So also with insufficient prayer life. What we are referring to here is the quantity of prayer. Can you imagine you bring up a Christian for five solid years and his whole prayer time in a day is not more than thirty minutes? You have been a Christian for three years and people still need to remind you about prayer meetings and Bible studies; it is not sufficient. Jesus asked His disciples how come you can’t keep watch with me for an hour. That is the minimum. A believer should pursue it. Whether you break it to thirty minutes, fifteen minutes or three times a day minimum for you to be able to say I keep my fire on; you must be able to say by the grace of God I kept my watch for one hour. But for some, one hour prayer is the beginning of prayer. With insufficient prayer, you can not possess anything.

Thirdly, wrong environment does not allow fire. If you put on your candle light and you stay outside, it will quench. Mind where you carry your fire to, mind who your friends are. Wrong environment quenches fire, anywhere there is water fire cannot stay; mind your friends that are water- fire extinguishers. If you have a life partner that is a fire extinguisher escape, don't because of marriage go to hell. You have a very good friend in school very caring but he is a sinner, escape! It is better to die in poverty than to collect all the help on the face of the earth and go to hell. Some, your best friends are unbelievers, first class die hard unbelievers who don't believe in your way of life nor the God you serve. Those who have no morality, no standard. No direction. If you walk with them, you will live like them. Watch out for fire extinguishers. They are everywhere these days.

* Ask God to help you keep your faith in this season of negative influences.
* Pray that you will not live a careless, and reckless life.
* Ask God to quicken you in the place of prayer until the bow of steel can be broken by your hand.

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Saturday, October 18, 2014

Fire Extinguishers I

READ: I Cor. 6:9-12
More lessons: Rom 12:1-2
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 103-105

No matter the pleasure that sin gives you, it is temporary. And the punishment at the end of it is greater. So why stay in a thing that you will enjoy for a moment and it will end and despite the fact that it was short lived, you still pay for it dearly. First, sin breaks you away from your contact with God who is the source of your loss and when you break your contact with God, you cannot possess the blessing of Abraham.
Moreover, a sinner is an abomination before God whether in church or out of church; he cannot inherit anything of God. Whether he is a tongue talker or not, so far he is a sinner he will not possess any inheritance. If you are in sin, you cannot possess anything. You can do it secretly and think nobody knows, if you do not settle with the Lord, you are in trouble. Nobody may talk about it, you may even not have punishment, but can a man keep fire in his blossom and not be burnt? If you must possess your possession you must acquire the fire of God because the fire is the only thing that your enemy cannot resist. No grass resists fire. Let's see a few of the many things that can quench the fire of God's spirit right on the altar of our hearts. You can lose your fire by being a talkative. There are certain things that are not directly sin, but bring forth sin.
Talking is not a sin, but when you lose control over your ability to talk, you step into sin and you lose your contact with your possession. This year, your possession will reach you, but friend, be careful with your tongue. Be careful with some expensive jokes, jokes that can make you lose your spiritual defence and sensitivity. All things should be done decently and moderately. A believer is careful where he is even with his tongue. The Bible says the tongue is a little fire and it can destroy everything you have accumulated; one unguided, misused sentence out of your mouth could destroy the rest of your life. One single talk more than necessary for the rest of your life you could be struggling to correct it and you will never be able to because words are like egg when they drop to the ground; you never can put it together again. Beloved, mind what you say, mind how much you say. Your tongue among other things can be your fire extinguisher.

* Pray that you will be sensitive to things that can truncate your faith.
* Pray that your tongue will not be a fire to destroy your destiny.
* Pray that your tongue will be a source of blessing to you and everyone around you.

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