Text: Gen 32:6-12
More lessons: Malachi 1:2-3
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 114-118
In unmasking the spirit of Esau, there are realities of the character of Esau we must uncover to walk in victory over its deception and fire quenching weaponry. Esau was an opposition leader. He was an opposition image. He learnt that his brother was coming home and what he did was to gang up an army and he was there leader. So as to confront the man that God has chosen. Genesis 32:6 …We came to thy brother Esau, and also he cometh to meet thee, and four hundred men with him. Everywhere you see images of opposition that's an Esau. Turn them to grass for easy dealing. The easiest way to deal with your enemy is to turn them to grass.
Turn him to grass and acquire fire.
Secondly, an Esau is an unrelenting adversary. That is somebody who takes offence against you again and again and refuses to be appeased. A believer doesn't do fight to finish, but there are enemies in destiny that make up their mind that whatever it will take them, they are ready to terminate you. I turn them to grass over you in the name of Jesus. Act 23:14; And they came to the chief priests and elders, and said, we have bound ourselves under a great curse, that we will eat nothing until we have slain Paul. There are enemies that have sworn like the ones who had sworn against Paul. They said we bind ourselves to a fast, none shall eat until we have seen the end of Paul- those are sworn enemies. They are Esau's friends.
Thirdly, Esau was a stubborn pursuer. Those are people who pursue a man's destiny even when he is pleaded for. They don't accept apology, they insist on pursuing a man. There are spirits like that; who take delight in taunting men and women with the flashes of guilt from their past and thereby restricting their ability to press in to destiny fulfilment. Sometimes, this spirit manifests as familiar or transgenerational spirits that work in the life of all members of a particular family or ethnic group. Gen 32:11 Deliver me, I pray thee, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau: for I fear him, lest he will come and smite me, and the mother with the children. This spirit demands to be avenged over the fathers’ wrongs from the children which they know nothing about. It seeks to wipe out entire generations. Just as Esau attempted over Jacob and his entire family. That is why you sometimes see a repeated evil or disaster over a family to the extend of gradual generational extinction. I forbid such spirits and forces over you and your entire family. Prayers, fastings, scriptural confessions, corporate anointing, and deliverance services are keys to overcoming these types of enemies.
* Ask God to expose every unrelenting enemy of your destiny and terminate them.
* Ask that the blood of Jesus will speak for your destiny over any generational evil.
With a fast, declare every re-occurring disaster ended in your family.
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