Text: Isaiah 12:1-6
More Lessons: Neh.8:9-12
Bible Reading in one Year: Ezekiel 40-42
Today’s reading is a vivid description of what men get at the point they give their lives to Christ. They inherit wells. Wells are reservoirs typifying an unending and unlimited supply. When a man strikes an oil well, he becomes a millionaire not just because he found oil but he found a well of oil. In Christ, we have been given an unending well of God's power and wealth because we are his children, wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. Also, Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints; and of the household of God: Eph.2:19. We now sit with Christ in heavenly places far above forces of darkness and wicked spirits of this age. We have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places. Eph.1:3. Yet all this we only have access to using one thing as spelt out in the scripture for the day. That instrument to draw from the wells of salvation is Joy! This is why Satan labors so often to rob us of our joy. He knows that it is with joy we tap into God's unending wells of resources given to us; so he makes us sad with ourselves, people around us and the nation. Some even get so joyless that they start contemplating suicide. Refuse to allow Satan in his plot, stop him in his tracks by picking up your joy again for it is your instrument to draw from God's innumerable wealth for you.
Even if you have done something wrong that weighs your spirit down, get back on track with God. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness: I Jn.1: 9. Confess your sin and repent of that wrongdoing and God will forgive you as He said. That voice that condemns you is not of the Spirit of God, who shall lay anything to charge God's elect? It is God that justifieth: Rom.8:33. Therefore, even if it is the issue of sin that made you lose your joy, there is provision for you to have it back. Get it back because it is your container to receive every other thing from the Lord.
* Let your joy be renewed in my spirit today in Jesus’ name.
* I destroy every ploy of Satan to steal my joy and deprive me of God's blessings? Sing a song of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord. Ponder on His benefits and allow the joy of the Lord to return in its fullness.
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