Text: Eph.3:1-8
More Lessons: Zech.4:7
Bible Reading in one Year: Ezekiel 34-36
Scripturally, there are two seasons; law and grace. Grace and truth came through the Lord Jesus Jn.1:17, but law came through Moses. After Jesus died on the cross, grace not law has become God's standard for His children. Most of the time, the New Testament books either open or close with grace, so grace is the standard in the New Testament. Receiving the favour that you do not deserve because of love is what is called grace. It is the opposite of struggle, Zech 4:6, ...nor by power , but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts. When a man comes to the giver of grace; Jesus Christ, he begins to live a life of ease and prosperity. Grace is the divine labour saving devices through the Lord Jesus. It is a divine and special virtue given to man by God.
Acts 4:33 talks about a dimension of grace, And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all. If ordinary grace can make a man great, what will great grace do? It will make a man to be uniquely outstanding. Moreover, the Bible talks about manifold grace I Pet. 4:10, exceeding grace ITim.1:14, all grace II Cor. 9:8, more grace. Joseph and Paul the apostles were examples of men who enjoyed God's grace (Gen. 39:1-6, Eph.3:8). When a man finds grace, he becomes a wonder to himself and to others for the following reasons:
1. Grace gives a man what he does not deserve, according to Eph. 2:5-6. When we were in sin, weak, poor and far from God, we were quickened together with Christ and raised to sit with him by grace.
2. Grace makes a man become what he should never be (ICor.15:9-10). It is the grace of God that made Paul become an apostle when he should not be. He moved from the chiefest sinner to the chiefest apostle. ITim.1:15
3. Grace enables a man to take what is humanly impossible as Paul did. In II Cor.1 1:24-28, Paul fasted often, was in peril, beaten with many stripes, he was always willing to spend and be spent II Cor. 12:15. And he did move according to I Cor.14:18. By grace he finished the race II Tim.4:12.
Moreover, the primary purpose of the grace of God in a man's life is glory Gal.2:21 to glorify God and His servant and to save sinners. The grace of God must not be taken in vain, it should be used because immediately it is received, one becomes a debtor. So, grace is for a divine usage, profit and to enlarge the kingdom of God to be the best we can ever be! Let me ask you therefore, what grace do you have? What is it meant to achieve? How far have you achieved?
* Father, lap all my effort with your grace.
* Let you grace replace every struggle of my life.
* In the name of Jesus, let grace be the opening and closing chapter of my life.
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