Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Thousand Times More

Text: Deut. 1:11
MORE LESSONS: Gen. 22: 17
Bible Reading in One Year: Songs of Solomon 1-3

The LORD God of your fathers make you a thousand times so many more as ye are, and bless you, as he hath promised you! Deut. 1:11A hundred fold blessing is what people think is the highest that God can give but I have discovered that God is able to give a thousand fold. God wants to showcase His children so that the world may know that what comes out of Him can never be small. The God that created such a large universe as this is surely able to make you a thousand times more than you are now. And by the time God has fulfilled the promise to make all His children a thousand times more than they are now, the resources of heaven would not even have been scratched a bit; He has in abundance all we need for life. God has abundance of riches in heaven but He doesn't need them; it's only here on earth that we have needs. It is God's will to give you a thousand times more,... May you increase to thousands upon thousands; may your offspring possess the gates of their enemies." Gen 24:60 (NIV). May God give you a thousand times more, in the name of Jesus!

A thousand fold is a different order of increase. It is a special type of increase because it has broken all natural laws. A thousand fold is that which only God can give. The help a man needs to enter into a thousand times more can only come from God.

A student that receives a thousand fold blessing starts getting results that are a thousand times more than his ability. A civil servant, by the hand of the Lord God Almighty, can receive a thousand times more than his labour till he stops being the servant they have been calling him. A business person with the thousand times anointing gets a thousand times return on investment for his business. The laws of the market; supply and demand, all begin to work together to favour him and they deliver a thousand times more to him. My prayer for you today is that spiritually, physically, materially, and in all the results of destiny, you will be a thousand times more, in the name of Jesus.

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will not leave you at this level. May He make you a thousand times more than you are now in Jesus’ name. Amen!

* Ask God for the blessing of a thousand times more.
* Ask God to open the windows of heaven and pour upon you His limitless blessings.
* Ask God to pour upon you such blessings that only God can give.
* Command the door of smallness to be replaced by a net breaking harvest.

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