Text: Ps.37:1-10
More Lessons: Matt.13:37- 43
Bible Reading in one Year: Ezekiel 15-18
We have well aid out pattern for living no matter the shifting of the times. This pattern is in our ever living manual; the Bible. Today's Psalms is one of such patterns laying instruction procedure for correct and proper conversation in times like these. This Psalm clearly spells out two ways men live in the world: wicked living and righteous living. It distinctly outlines the portion of the wicked and the lot of the righteous, then urging us to make correct choices. In this world, there are men who glory in wicked practices, they are agents of Satan who lurk in darkness, kidnapping children for money, selling bombs for destruction of lives and collecting wages for wickedness. To such, there is a reward: For they shall soon be cut down like the grass and wither as the green herb. For yet a little while the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shall diligently consider his place, and it shall not be: Ps.37:2;10.
Several times, when we look around and see the world full of evil doers that flourish and prosper, on all levels we start to fret, to envy even their liberty to get wealth by unlawful means in the indulgence of their lusts; we are apt to fret at God for allowing such men to live, prosper and prevail as they do. Hear what the Bible above says about their end and cease to envy them. We are tempted to think they are the only happy people; and we are therefore tempted to share in their gains and join ourselves with them. The Bible strongly warns us against such behaviour lest we share in their eventual destructive end if they refuse to repent.
The flourishing of a righteous man is like that of a fruitful tree Ps.1:3 but that of the wicked man is like grass, which is short lived. The triumph of a wicked man is short but his weeping and wailing will be everlasting. Instead of envying the wicked, we are to do the following
i)Trust in God and do good. Ps.37:3.
ii)Delight in God and He will give you your desires without you needing to cut corners or exploit others for it.Ps.37:4.
iii)Ask God daily for where your daily bread is and He will lead you there. Ps.37:5.
iv)Rest in the Lord in contentment with what He provides and patiently wait for what He is yet to bring to fulfilment in your life. Ps.37:7.
v)Do not allow bitterness at others deprive you of the joy of life
vi)Thank God daily for His mercies.Ps.37:8
* Lord, I choose the way of righteousness because it is the way to peace and joy. I refuse to envy or imitate the wicked so that I will not perish like him.
* My portion will be given to me as I go out today and the rod of the wicked will not rest on my portion.
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