Saturday, November 29, 2014

Operating the Supernatural

Text: Deut.18:9-14.
More Lessons: Rom.8:14-16
Bible Reading in One Year: Songs of Solomon 7-8

The supernatural is about unusual happening that beats the imagination of every human being. It has to do with anything that is beyond the comprehension of human senses, something that is not explainable by natural laws. The supernatural refers to activities in the spirit realm which are made manifest in the natural. The supernatural therefore is a realm where spirits operate.

Humans are special specie of spirit. We are spirits housed in a flesh. We are made so by the Creator who has created all things for His own purpose. As spirits living in flesh, there is a measure of limitation to how much and how far our spirits can operate. In order to operate in the supernatural however, you need to be aided by another spirit who is not bounded by the flesh. When you enter into an accord with such a spirit, he potentiates and leverages you into the spirit realm and you can accomplish supernatural works. This is a spiritual ordinance, i.e. an order that has been set, just as the physical ordinance of the sun and moon.

The authentic Spirit approved by God for humans to leverage into the spirit realm is the Holy Spirit. The way to enter into a relationship with the Holy Spirit is through Jesus Christ. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). When you confess Jesus as your LORD and Saviour and surrender your life to him, the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Jesus comes into your life to reside. By Him, you can operate in the supernatural. There are those who seek to operate in the supernatural by the help of satanic spirits. The witchcraft, div1ination, necromancy, use of charms, familiar spirits, belonging to cults and occultic groups are demonic means by which some people seek to enter into and operate the supernatural. Such media is wrong, deceitful and lead to eternal death. That is why God strongly warns men against such in our Bible reading today. If you find yourself in any of these, your way out is Jesus Christ. Repent now and go to a Pastor and seek for deliverance. After which, desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and by He, you can operate in the supernatural and eternal life which God has also guaranteed.

* Thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit by which you can operate in the supernatural.
* Ask the Lord for the infilling/fresh filling of the Holy Spirit today.

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