Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A Happy Home

Text: Psalm 127:1-5
More Lessons: Jn. 13:17
Bible Reading in One Year: Ezekiel 43-45

Having a happy home is not only a function of the good things that family members can do for one another, but also of the presence of the Lord in the home. Wherever God is present, His fullness and goodness must be there.

Building a happy home is very important because the family is a vital part of the society. It is the home that feeds the society with people. Therefore the society is the true reflection of homes. If people in homes are happy, the society will be a happy one. A happy home is a happy family and for the home to be happy there must be a harmonious relationship between husband, wife and children which cannot happen unless members learn to be peaceable and friendly, as Paul enjoins, Follow peace with all men, …. : Heb.12:14. When family members work for peace, there will be happiness in the home. Making everyone feel he or she is a VIP in the family by accepting, trusting and liking one another can foster joy.

Making sure the basic structure for the home is correct is also a necessity as it is prescribed in Eph.5:23-24; the husband being the head, the wife the helper and supporter of the husband and children the blessing of the union, with all sharing responsibilities at home. Putting in place suitable principles to seal the relationship is very essential. When forgiveness, giving, restitution and forbearance are practised, living together becomes a delight. Showing appreciation for every good gesture helps members to be able to do more. Also, if members know, accept and play their roles well at home, there will be no lapses or schism, and every one's need will be met (Eph.6:1-9).
One other great thing that keeps the family together is family altar where everyone keeps appointment with God every day. It is the church in the home where the husband can perform his headship role as the priest. When the family houses the ark of the Lord, God will be there and pour His goodness and blessing on the family.

Finally, for the home to be free from satanic activities such as divorce, separation, disagreement all the time, adultery, wayward children and sexual perversion, we must allow the wise Master Builder to build and keep our home for us. A happy home is cultivated by a collaborative effort with God Almighty the Creator of the family.

* Oh Lord, grant me grace to be an agent of Y our goodness in my home, in Jesus’ name.
* I destroy everything responsible for sorrow and pain in homes today in Jesus' name.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Wells of Salvation

Text: Isaiah 12:1-6
More Lessons: Neh.8:9-12
Bible Reading in one Year: Ezekiel 40-42

Today’s reading is a vivid description of what men get at the point they give their lives to Christ. They inherit wells. Wells are reservoirs typifying an unending and unlimited supply. When a man strikes an oil well, he becomes a millionaire not just because he found oil but he found a well of oil. In Christ, we have been given an unending well of God's power and wealth because we are his children, wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. Also, Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints; and of the household of God: Eph.2:19. We now sit with Christ in heavenly places far above forces of darkness and wicked spirits of this age. We have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places. Eph.1:3. Yet all this we only have access to using one thing as spelt out in the scripture for the day. That instrument to draw from the wells of salvation is Joy! This is why Satan labors so often to rob us of our joy. He knows that it is with joy we tap into God's unending wells of resources given to us; so he makes us sad with ourselves, people around us and the nation. Some even get so joyless that they start contemplating suicide. Refuse to allow Satan in his plot, stop him in his tracks by picking up your joy again for it is your instrument to draw from God's innumerable wealth for you.

Even if you have done something wrong that weighs your spirit down, get back on track with God. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness: I Jn.1: 9. Confess your sin and repent of that wrongdoing and God will forgive you as He said. That voice that condemns you is not of the Spirit of God, who shall lay anything to charge God's elect? It is God that justifieth: Rom.8:33. Therefore, even if it is the issue of sin that made you lose your joy, there is provision for you to have it back. Get it back because it is your container to receive every other thing from the Lord.

* Let your joy be renewed in my spirit today in Jesus’ name.
* I destroy every ploy of Satan to steal my joy and deprive me of God's blessings? Sing a song of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord. Ponder on His benefits and allow the joy of the Lord to return in its fullness.

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Monday, November 10, 2014

Say it as it is

Text: Psa.107:1-8
More Lessons: Psa. 15:1-2
Bible Reading in one Year: Ezekiel 37-39

Apostle Paul in his letter to the Ephesians admonished believers on how to use our tongue and what he said, Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. Eph.4:29. Useless and fruitless words are forbidden for the believers; but words mixed with grace that can produce strength and edification are encouraged. Lie is a lie, and truth is truth, truth mixed with lie is a lie and not truth. A man cannot be separated from his word, we are what we say, so if you tell lies, you are a liar.

In Gen. 12:12-13 when Abraham told Sarah to lie about who she was, he was not acting out of faith but in fear, and he reaped the harvest of it immediately. His wife was taken from him and the lie was detected and Abraham a righteous man was accused of lying, Gen 12:18.

It is high time we embraced truth and uprightness by saying things exactly as they are. When Adam and Eve sinned, the book reported it as it is. God's word tells how Peter denied the Lord and how Judas betrayed Him without covering the act and the actors. It reports adultery and murder, gossips and misbehaviour of every kind even of God's people. Believers must not colour things even if others do. We must tell it as it is. Every time the Bible tells it as it is. It shows that all sinners have no hope of eternal life; but did not stop there. It gives sinners a way out of sin, as recorded in, For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God: Rom. 3:23. Then you also must tell it as it is by sharing what Jesus has done for you.

Our text today says, let the redeemed of the Lord say so. Believers must not keep quiet about the goodness and the mercies of God enjoyed on daily basis. Tell others the promise of the Lord concerning them, encourage others by your word, and don't allow the devil use your word to carry out his own agenda. Run away from exaggerations, falsehoods, hurtful jests, and words that cast other people down. Be a lifter of people by your words today.

* Reject falsehood and every lying spirit seeking to strip you of truth and integrity of heart.
* Receive divine enablement to speak the Words of God ministering Grace, in Jesus’ name.

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Sunday, November 9, 2014

Wonders of Grace

Text: Eph.3:1-8
More Lessons: Zech.4:7
Bible Reading in one Year: Ezekiel 34-36

Scripturally, there are two seasons; law and grace. Grace and truth came through the Lord Jesus Jn.1:17, but law came through Moses. After Jesus died on the cross, grace not law has become God's standard for His children. Most of the time, the New Testament books either open or close with grace, so grace is the standard in the New Testament. Receiving the favour that you do not deserve because of love is what is called grace. It is the opposite of struggle, Zech 4:6, ...nor by power , but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts. When a man comes to the giver of grace; Jesus Christ, he begins to live a life of ease and prosperity. Grace is the divine labour saving devices through the Lord Jesus. It is a divine and special virtue given to man by God.

Acts 4:33 talks about a dimension of grace, And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all. If ordinary grace can make a man great, what will great grace do? It will make a man to be uniquely outstanding. Moreover, the Bible talks about manifold grace I Pet. 4:10, exceeding grace ITim.1:14, all grace II Cor. 9:8, more grace. Joseph and Paul the apostles were examples of men who enjoyed God's grace (Gen. 39:1-6, Eph.3:8). When a man finds grace, he becomes a wonder to himself and to others for the following reasons:

1. Grace gives a man what he does not deserve, according to Eph. 2:5-6. When we were in sin, weak, poor and far from God, we were quickened together with Christ and raised to sit with him by grace.
2. Grace makes a man become what he should never be (ICor.15:9-10). It is the grace of God that made Paul become an apostle when he should not be. He moved from the chiefest sinner to the chiefest apostle. ITim.1:15
3. Grace enables a man to take what is humanly impossible as Paul did. In II Cor.1 1:24-28, Paul fasted often, was in peril, beaten with many stripes, he was always willing to spend and be spent II Cor. 12:15. And he did move according to I Cor.14:18. By grace he finished the race II Tim.4:12.

Moreover, the primary purpose of the grace of God in a man's life is glory Gal.2:21 to glorify God and His servant and to save sinners. The grace of God must not be taken in vain, it should be used because immediately it is received, one becomes a debtor. So, grace is for a divine usage, profit and to enlarge the kingdom of God to be the best we can ever be! Let me ask you therefore, what grace do you have? What is it meant to achieve? How far have you achieved?

* Father, lap all my effort with your grace.
* Let you grace replace every struggle of my life.
* In the name of Jesus, let grace be the opening and closing chapter of my life.

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