Text: Deut. 30:1-10
More Lessons: Luke 10:42
Bible Reading in one Year: Zechariah 11-14
One of the things that determines your worth and value in life is the choice you make. Life is full of many choices so we all require the power to choose correctly. Choosing to live is living to choose. Your future is determined by the choice you make today. It is clear that God does not force His will on man, but holds him responsible for His choices, And he took his staff in his hand, and chose him five smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in a shepherd's bag which he had, even in a scrip; and his sling was in his hand: and he drew near to the Philistine: I Sam. 17:40. According to this scripture, David chose out of many stones in the brook by the power of the Holy Spirit; the greatest tool for choice making in life is the inherent power in the believer called the HOLY SPIRIT. Whenever a man chooses correctly, he gains, and anytime he makes a wrong choice he loses.
We choose daily. How? We choose by the way we live; our life style is all about choice making. When we live a reckless life today, all we are saying is, “I don't care what tomorrow holds”. In fact, what you say, wear, allow or refuse is choice making.
In Luke 10:42, Mary was able to identify the good part due to her sensitivity and discerning ability, and Jesus commended her. When we choose out of carnal considerations as Lot did in Gen. 13:8-11, we are likely to miss it.
It is good for young people to be careful when making choices especially the choice of marriage partners. My counsel is to choose the will of God; by choosing what He has chosen for us, we can be sure we got it. Though adults also make choices every day, young people need to be much more careful in choosing because they lack the wisdom, understanding and the experience the adult uses in choice making. God is always ready to assist you in choice making; all we need to do is to hand over the options to Him in sincere prayer.
Apart from the choice of career, courses to offer in higher institutions and where to live in future, every young person is confronted with the choice of a friend and marriage partner . In addition to choosing the will of God, good character, virtues and values should be other considerations when we choose. Surround yourself with good people and allow them to influence your choice. It is said that life is better, if lived in company of good people. The more good people we have around us, the warmer our lives can be. Friendship with good people can open you up to opportunities and ideas that can blow you up in good ways; deliver you from loneliness; make you realise how useful and valuable you are contributing to other people’s life; make you feel adequate because your friends can complement your life with their virtues and talents.
Prayer / Action
* Pray that you will only choice what God has choosen for you everyday of your life.
* Review some of the choices you have made in recent past and weigh them against the balance of God’s Word.
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