Text: Acts 20:7-11
More Lessons: Prov . 6:6-1 1
Bible Reading in one Year: Zechariah 1-3
Sleep is a natural periodic state of rest for the mind and body in which the eyes usually close and consciousness is completely or partially lost. Spiritually, it is a state of complete or partial unconsciousness, slumbering or loss of prophetic vision, and spiritual indifference often has great consequence.
However, there are times when sleep of the night is highly beneficial; after a duty is completed (Psa. 132:5), when it is necessary for good health (Psa. 3:5) and while trusting the Lord in times of need or pain (Psa. 4:8). But when sleep becomes excessive and done at the wrong time, it can lead to a great loss (Prov. 10:5). Some people have a problem of not being able to stay awake in church during services or night vigils. But the question is, is the problem your own doing? Do you come to church eager to be blessed or just to answer roll-call?
In our text today, Eutychus fell asleep and fell off a three-storey roof during Paul's sermon. But Paul raised him from the dead and went on preaching. Always sleeping during prayer or fellowship can be a sign of spiritual weakness, carelessness or spiritual attack on the believer. In fact, the Bible admonishes the believer not to love sleep because it is a great cause of poverty (Prov . 20:13).
Every adult should sleep to live and stay healthy and not live to sleep. As the coming of the Lord is very much at hand, spiritual slumbering is one of the attacks of the devil on the believer, which is why Apostle Paul in Rom.13:11 said, ...knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The Bible is written so that we can escape the perils of the end time. And if we will be able to escape, we must not sleep as others, Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation: I Thes. 5:6-8. Believers must wake up and be on duty for God in His Kingdom.
* Pray that the powers that make people spiritually indifferent to the things of God will not prevail over you.
* Ask the father to restore, sharpen and revamp any area of your spirit-man that is drained, or by His Spirit. cold, weak.
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