Friday, December 19, 2014

Prayer Pillars

Text: Acts 4:23-31
More Lessons: Jam.5:17-18
Bible Reading in One Year: Jeremiah 30-32

A pillar is a load carrier in a building or structure. Without strong pillars, a great house or structure cannot stand. A pillar, therefore, is the main strength of a structure. A pillar is called by whatever material it is made of, hence you have concrete pillar, pillar of cloud, pillar of prayer, wooden pillar, etc.
Like any strong building, the Church of Jesus needs strong pillars, one of which is prayer pillar. The prayer pillar in any church is the intercessor, individual or group. The New Testament Church did not survive without it and no church of God today can survive without it. A church is strong to the extent of its intercessors or individuals lifting the church or its pastors up in prayer because the work of God moves on the wings of intercession. Therefore, where there is no intercessor the work drags and suffers great setback no matter what else is done.

The glory of the New Testament Church is her prayer pillar. The early Church prayed:
1. in every watch hour (Acts 3:1).
2. as an apostolic band (Acts 4:23-31).
3. and the building shook (Acts 4:31).
4. and the earth quaked (Acts 16:25-26).
5. and the prison doors opened (Acts 12:1-11).
6. a without ceasing (Acts 6:4).
7. until something happened (Acts12:5).
8. and changed the world (Acts 17:6).

The greatest need of the Church today is that of men and women who will raise prayers up to Heaven for the Church and her pastors. Are you one of them? The recruitment exercise is still on; join those who lift Moses’ hands up and not those who criticise everything that is done in church. Whatever we do for the church or in a church building has eternal reward.

Prayer / Action
* Pray that God will use you as an intercessor to make a difference in your church and in the world.
* Pray that God will raise faithful intercessors to pray for your church, world evangelism and for your spiritual leaders.
* Make a covenant never to close your church service, family altar or personal prayer time without a prayer for your spiritual leader.



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