Sunday, December 28, 2014

From Prophecy to Reality

Text: Luke 2: 25- 37
More Lessons:1 Tim 1: 18
Bible Reading in one Year: Revelation 10-12

The first law of motion states that a body will remain in its state of rest or uniform motion until an external force acts on it. In other words, nothing moves or changes until something moves or changes it. I believe that this law is not just a physical but also a spiritual law. If you desire to see any change in your life, you must take responsibility for it or else it might never happen. A lot of people desire certain things from God and they assume that God would understand how much they desire it and just go ahead to do it. But it doesn't work that way. God operates by principles and you have to discover His principles before you can enjoy His faithfulness.

One of God's principles is that when a prophecy is given to you, no matter how wonderful and strong the prophesy is, if you will not do anything about it, it stays as a prophecy and will not become a reality. This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare: 1 Tim 1:18. From this scripture, we know that it is your responsibility to war and work with every prophecy that comes to you until it becomes a reality. You need to spend time meditating, confessing and praying it till it becomes a reality. Decide that whatever discipline and sacrifice it takes for what God has said concerning you to come to pass, you will give it.

It takes conscious effort on your part to enter into the inheritance that God has promised you. It takes deliberate effort in prayers and diligence for the great prophecies over your life to become active.

Several prophecies about the birth of Jesus had gone ahead for centuries but they didn't happen until some people rose up to do prayer warfare. In our first text, people like Simeon and Anna the prophetess took the responsibility to pray for the fulfilment of the birth of the Saviour. The coming of Christ could have been delayed but they catalyzed the process by their prayers. Nobody knew about these silent prayer warriors, they were unsung heroes but they left a legacy for us that when a word of prophecy goes ahead of us we must insist on Heaven to do something about the prophecy.

If a negative word of prophecy comes to you, don't go to sleep; wage war against it. Similarly, if a good word of prophecy has gone ahead of you and the enemy is preventing it, don't fold your arms and say, It will happen one day, after all God has said it. Take up the forces of the Word, fasting, prayer, faith and action and ensure you see the prophecy becomes a reality.

Prayer / Action
* Jesus, attend to me today and deliver me from the spirit behind my affliction.
* Deliver me from ignorance and grant me victory over every satanic exertion



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