Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Distraction III

Text: II Sam. 1 1:1-2
More Lessons: Jam.1:21-25
Bible Reading in one Year: Jeremiah 49-52

Let me begin with this truth. In the grave yards today, you will find many bodies of people who had gone down to the grave prematurely because the devil distracted them. World leaders are among them, presidents, governors, prime ministers, ambassadors, great men of God and many others are there in the grave. The bullets of the enemy got them and they could not fulfill their God-given destiny.

There are governors today who are supposed to be pastors and there are pastors today too who are supposed to be governors. Quickly trace it back and check where exactly the enemy got you. There are many business men today who are so confused and are not finding fulfilment because they yielded to wrong calls. Know this for sure that, whenever God calls you, the devil will also call you and his aim is to distract you. If you yield to his call, you will never get where you are going to.

There are pastors today who were meant to be missionaries and there are evangelists who were supposed to be bishops. There are bishops today who were supposed to be arch bishops. You can keep on and on, the list is very long. But I want to ask you “Don't you think that the devil has succeeded in distracting you by the reason of where you are today? Don't you think you are a local champion where you are today? You are the local government chairman of your area today in your state, don't you think you were supposed to be the president of that country?

Don't go to the grave without fulfilment. It doesn't matter the distraction of the enemy in your life, you can make it again. May be you are a car mechanic today and hardly can you get 1000 naira in a day to feed your family. All you need to do is to trace the track back and identify where the enemy got you and be who the Lord has ordained you to be. There are so many market women today selling all manners of goods but among them are supposed presidents wives, doctors,ministers, virtous wives and so on. But sometimes ago, in the course of life journey , the enemy distracted them and they were not careful enough, so they fell victim of distraction and are where they are today . They are now mean women in the market working like donkeys and will do with very little to result. Except you consistently look into the perfect law, you will not be able to overcome the distraction of the enemy.

Prayer / Action
* Rebuke every force and agent of distraction in your destiny.
* Ask God to forgive and restore you wherever you have missed it in life.
* Ask God to defend your destiny by the power of His Word and Spirit.

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