Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Way to Follow

Text: Matt. 4:18-22
More Lessons: Lk.5:11
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 & 3 John, Jude

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Jn. 14:6. Showing people the way and providing the way is one of Jesus’ missions on earth. Because this world is made by the Lord, He is the best person to choose for us the direction to follow in it.

There is no one in Christ who should be confused; Jesus has been made the way, the truth and the light for all believers. Not knowing how to do what we should do was dealt with on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came to empower man. There are so many ways provided by God for us through which we can find direction, mentorship and example. Some of these ways are: the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, spiritual leaders, prayers etc. However, in our daily living many people prefer to seek other means. It is easier for young people to choose ideals or idols after which they pattern their lives. Rock singers, movie stars , television performers are followed today even by Christians because of their glamorous lives. Youths sometimes think that following this type of life will result in real happiness, but fun and games are not all there is to life.

In fact, you become what you follow. When Jesus called His disciples, He promised to make them what He is. He made no promises of either prosperity or fun. Instead, He called them to join Him in His work of soul wining. And how did the men react to His call? The Scripture tells us that Peter, Andrew, James and John left all to follow Him. Here is a list of things to pursue as we follow the Lord in the narrow way.
a. Love – I Cor. 14:1
b. All that is good – I Thes. 5:15
c. Righteousness and Godliness – I Tim. 6:11
d. Faith – IITim. 2:22
e. Patience – I Tim 6:11
f. Meekness – I Tim. 6:111
g. Peace – Heb. 12:14
h. Holiness – Heb. 12:14
i. Soul winning

Beloved, Jesus is still in need of ardent followers. As His call comes to you, will you follow Him in His prescribed ways?

* Ask the Lord for strength to follow Jesus even when it is painful and unpopular to do so.
* Declare today that you are walking in love, patience, meekness, righteousness and peace.

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