Text: Isa. 62:4-7
More Lessons: Mk. 4:11-20, 1 Tim 1:18
Bible Reading in one Year: Jeremiah 27-29
Yesterday, we began to see that God is pleased to call us His wife, not in the natural perspective, but in the sense of taking responsibility over our lives and destiny the same way a husband would for his wife. But there is an issue, and that is the fact that this is a promise and promises must go through a process for them to be fulfilled. On your walls, Jerusalem, I have placed sentries; They must never be silent day or night. They must remind the LORD of his promises and never let him forget them. (Isa. 62:6 (GNB).
They must give Him no rest until He restores Jerusalem and makes it a city the whole world praises. Verse 6 says we must keep watch over the promise in prayers until it is fulfilled. As beautiful as the promise is, we must have an understanding that there is what we are to do- remind the Lord and never let Him forget His promises. Is God forgetful? No, how can he!
So why remind Him? We remind Him because that is how the realm of promises has been designed. Paul speaks about warring with prophecies in 1 Tim 1:18 (GNB) saying, Timothy , my child, I entrust to you this command, which is in accordance with the words of prophecy spoken in the past about you. Use those words as weapons in order to fight well. God's promises are weapons with which we fight a good fight. If you relax because God has spoken, you are ignorant of the demographics of the workings of words in the realm of the spirit.
The Word will always come as a seed, that is the first point you must understand and every seed that is planted will require cultivation. For a good farmer , the day you break the bush is not the beginning; you don't count harvest day until the seed enters the ground. God is the sower, but you are to cultivate and nurture what is planted. The way you cultivate your land will determine how much yield you get, which is the reason some people in Jesus’ example had thirtyfold while others had sixty and hundred folds. Remind God of what He has said by nurturing the seed He has planted and defending the land where it is planted; that is, your heart. You must guard your heart with all diligence for that is the target of the enemy.
Secondly, I want you to take note of the word, Satan cometh immediately…: this is a serious matter. Realize that Satan is always looking for ways to disrupt God's programme, which is the reason Jesus called him Satan, meaning adversary. There is an adversary that must be placed where he belongs, so Paul says we should war with the words that we have received. And in Isa. 62, the Bible says to give God no rest, which implies persistence and consistence in following up the Word that the Lord has spoken. What you do with the Word determines what becomes of you eventually.
Prayer /Action
* Ask God to help you persist in prayer until the Word is performed in your life.
* Pray that the Word of God in your mouth will not miss its target.
* Pray that the heavens will not rest until the promise becomes a reality .
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