Text: I King 13:1-24
More Lessons: Prov. 20:18.
Bible Reading in one Year: Revelation 4-6
Who are your advisers? Who are your friends? Who are the people you really listen to? Often in life, where a man is today is as a result of who his advisers are. Advisers determine the road map of your destiny; they tell you whether you should go to the right or to the left. Having advisers is not bad but there are bad and evil advisers; in fact, the Bible says: ...in the multitude of counsellors there is safety: Prov. 11:14. But know that, if a fool counsels you, you are going to land where you may regret.
Wrong advisers can make a father to hate his children, they can make a father to use his child for rituals. Wrong advisers break a home; they are capable of creating enemies among friends, homes, church members, even a whole country to collapse through their advise.
If you hand over your life to a wrong adviser, everything in your life and destiny will be wrong. If you run your home through wrong advisers, if how you run your home is dependent on what those wrong adviser tell you, then, the journey you have embarked on is a journey without assurance of safe landing; it is a journey without future. You may never get there because there is a wrong adviser in your affair.
Can you quickly flash back. Was there a time when your father told you to face your studies and do away with those your friends that used to drink and smoke, but you told him to forget and you took to the counsel of your friends? Could that be the reason why you are where you are today? The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise: Prov. 12:15. The kind of counsel that you listen to is the kind of shape that your destiny will form.
It is time for you to begin to hearken unto God's voice. Now is the time for you to begin to hear the voice of God through the man of God that God has set over you otherwise, the devil will pick you up and mislead you. It does not cost him anything; in fact, he is in the ministry of leading people to wrong direction that they may never be fulfilled.
There are so many things that indicate that you are being misled: Whenever you ignore any godly advise, then you have just misled yourself. Any time you prefer your friends’ advice to your godly parents’ advice, then you have just done a business transaction with the devil to mislead you. You have just told the devil to take proper control of your life and destiny. Nobody has misled you so far; you misled yourself by disregarding every godly counsel that came your way. I hope its not too late for you like it was for Esau; pray to God today.
Prayer / Action
* Pray that you will not fall into evil counsel in the name of good company .
* Ask God for the spirit of discernment to be able to avoid evil ways and counsel.
* Pray that God will not hand you over to lying spirits.
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