Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Steps to a Fulfilled Destiny

Wednesday 11 February
Text: Hab 2:1 - 4
MORE LESSON: Psa. 40:7 – 8

For a man’s destiny to be fulfilled he must prayerfully seek God to help him discover himself because the first step in the fulfilment of your glorious destiny is discovery. Until you discover what God has for you in destiny, you will continue to wander aimlessly in life. Anything goes for a man who has not discovered his life purpose and vision. However, when you discover your purpose, you become focused and disciplined because you realise that you cannot do just anything anymore. Without discovery of destiny, there cannot be recovery. Discovery also makes you save time. If a person lives to be a hundred years and for seventy out of those years, he does the wrong things and pursue the wrong vision, it is like he lives forty years.

Jesus lived for thirty three years but because He knew His purpose from day one, He achieved much more than people who lived to be a hundred and twenty. I pray that you will not wander in darkness anymore, but discover your destiny, save time, recover and have a fulfilled life, in Jesus’ name.

The second step in fulfilling destiny is pursuit. You can't stop at discovering your destiny, you must pursue it. There is an idea, talent or vision that is meant to showcase you to the world but you have to diligently work at it. Sharpen and polish that ability by training and consistent use. For Daniel, it was the ability to unravel hard sayings; for Joseph it was the ability to interpret dreams and for David it was the skill of war that God gave to them. God has put inside you what you need to get you to where you are going; discover the seed, talent and engage it until it takes you to where God intends for you. Pursue your vision and destiny, never giving up.

The final step to fulfilment of destiny is that you must defend your glorious destiny. I want you to know that glory has enemies and glorious destinies attract attacks. You have to defend the glory of your destiny so that the enemy will not spoil your glorious achievement. Some don't know the art of glory management; that is, how to maintain and defend the glory that they have attained in destiny, so they lose it as soon as they get it. But that will not be your portion, in Jesus’ name. I release upon you the wisdom to manage and maintain your glorious destiny. The three steps to a glorious destiny are discovery, pursuit and maintenance or defence. As you follow these three steps, you will end up with a fulfilled and glorious destiny.

* Pray that your destiny will not be truncated, delayed or hindered.
* Ask that the fullness of your destiny shall not be hidden from you.
* Pray that your destiny shall be as a shining light that shines more and more.
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Jesus, without You my life is lost; help me not to lose touch with You today and don’t let me fall into my enemy’s trap, in Jesus’ name.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Mercy of God II

Text: Is 55: 7.
MORE LESSON: 2 Chron 33: 1 – 16

When Jesus was to die on the cross, two criminals were crucified along with Him. Jesus was sinless but the criminals had done so much evil, probably all their lives until this last minute when they hanged on the cross. One of the criminals appealed to Jesus, I know I am being justly punished, for I am getting what I deserve for my sins. But you, Lord, are sinless. Please, remember me when you come into your kingdom: Luke 23:40-42 (NIV). Jesus in turn assured him, I tell you the truth, today you would be with me in paradise: verse 43. A man that had done evil all his life asked for mercy at the last minute and he qualified to go to a place reserved only for saints.
The mercy of God is the master key that opens the door to salvation. No matter what evil you have done in the past or what mistakes you have made, the mercy of God will answer for you. The mercy of God will turn a prostitute to an honourable woman, turn an armed robber to a servant of God, take guilt from the heart and change your story. If a terrorist that has killed people and burnt churches should repent and come to the Lord Jesus, I assure you that God in His mercy will accept him.

Manasseh was one of the worst kings Israel ever had. He did more evil than any other king in Israel and was worse than even the Gentile kings that the Lord removed from the land of Canaan for their abominations. He made altars for idols everywhere, including in the temple of Jehovah God, and so, used an idol to replace the Invisible God in His temple for people to worship. He sacrificed his own children to demons and did much evil in the land. Finally the Lord brought the armies of Assyria against Manasseh and they captured him, bound him with chains and carried him to Babylon. They tortured him and when he was in affliction, he humbled himself before God, whom he wronged and pleaded for mercy.

Anybody that knows the full weight of Manasseh's evil against the Lord would think that he would not receive pardon from the Lord. But when he prayed to God, the Lord was moved by his entreaty and He listened to his plea and brought him back to his kingdom in Jerusalem. Then Manasseh knew and acknowledged that the Lord is God (2 Chron 33:13). The Lord not only forgave him but restored him to his kingship in Israel. What a merciful God! If God can have mercy on Manasseh, He can have mercy on anyone. No matter what you have done in the past or what mistakes you have made that you are suffering the consequences, I declare that today is your day of mercy, in Jesus’ name.

* Pray that the mercy of God will locate your destiny today for a turn around.
* With great humility and commitment, ask God for pardon for all things you ever did against God and His Word.
* Tell the Lord you are forsaking your old ways and that by His mercy He will restore all the blessings that sin has ever denied you.
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Father, help me to delight in You and do Your will always. Deliver me also from the forces of hell, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Mercy of God

Monday 9 February
Text: Mark 10:46 – 52
MORE LESSON: Psa. 102: 13

The mercy of God is the multipurpose key that brings solution to all problems of life. Whatever need or prayer request you have in life, asking for the mercy of God covers them all. When you receive mercy from God, you freely find salvation, forgiveness, healing, defence, wealth, promotion or any blessing you need. The prayer for mercy is always answered because mercy is a language that Heaven always listens to. In Mark 10: 46, we find the story of blind Bartimaeus. We are not told how he became blind but the blindness is a handicap and he became a roadside beggar, thus he became distinct in a negative way.

There are some problems, sickness and affliction that isolate a man physically, socially, spiritually from the good of the society; they make him not to be able to enter into the class of his colleagues anymore. Bartimaeus is identified by his ailment, it is like a surname to him as he is called Blind Bartimaeus. There are some problems that become like surname to whoever has them; you hear people referred to as 'That Sick Sister', 'That Poor Brother', 'That Barren Woman' etc. But today, whatever problem the enemy has used to rename you will be erased by the mercy of Jehovah, in Jesus’ name.

On a fateful day, Jesus Christ is in town and Bartimaeus hears that Jesus is passing by. Bartimaeus has lots of prayer requests as he is blind, poor and isolated, but he asks for only one thing - the mercy of God. It interests me that Bartimeaus asks for mercy from Jesus and not sight, money or healing. The reason is that he knows that if the Lord would have mercy on him, he would receive everything that he wants. No wonder when the cry of mercy catches the attention of Jesus, the next thing Jesus tells him is, What do you want me to do for you?...: Mark 10:51. The Lord gives him a blank cheque to ask anything he wants and his request is granted because mercy has located him.

Today I want you to lift your voice and ask for God's mercy. Whatever problem you need God to deal with, whether sin, sickness, poverty, barrenness, failure, academics or any form of affliction, just cry to God for His mercy and it will locate you. Also, whatever blessing you need in life, do not trust in your ability, qualifications or work, ask the mercy that is obtained through the Blood of Jesus to give it to you. Today is your day of finding mercy with God, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask that the mercy of God will stand for you in God’s presence today.
* Ask that God will visit the matters of your life by His mercies and make the impossible possible in your life.
* Say like Bartineaus, Jesus Son of David, have mercy on me.

Jesus, I put my hands in Your hands today; I shall not fear a fall and I shall not sink, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Hand of Help II

Sunday 8 February
READ: Psa. 3:1-4 M
ORE LESSON: Psa 3: 1 - 8

There are times when people conclude that even God cannot help one in a situation. It is easier to bear when only one person reaches this conclusion but when you have a number of people saying this, then the matter is critical because if God cannot help, then one is finished. When David was in a similar situation he lamented, LORD, how are they increased that trouble me! many are they that rise up against me. Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God: Psa. 3: 1 -2
Men concluded that there was no help for David in God. What a way to conclude on another man's matter! They talked as if they had a conference with God and He agreed with them that He was not going to offer help to David. I have observed that people talk more about the predicament of others behind them but in David's case they told him to his face. But thank God David knew his God, so he countered, But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head: Psa. 3:3.

David knew that men's opinion was not God's conclusion concerning him. And so he cried to the Lord and He heard him. God is faithful. Help comes from the ability to look up to God and not to man. No man has ever trusted the arm of flesh and succeeded. Therefore, when everything has failed, it is time to look up to God and confess your confidence in Him. The most interesting thing in all this scenario is David's choice of words. He said God is his glory, not man. In the midst of a shameful and hopeless situation, he knew he had glory. These are words that Heaven cannot hear and go to sleep. When there is no assurance of sound health, no hope of bearing children, situations have battered you so much that you are down cast, you must defy your situation as David did and cry to God who is able to lift up your head.

The following keys will help you provoke the help of God in any situation:
- Faith in God who is greater than all men.
- Keep your focus on God. Challenges are pressures aimed at keeping your focus away from God.
- Mind your attitude in difficult times- your thoughts, your speech and your actions.
Help is coming your way today. David encouraged himself in the Lord and spoke right, Do the same today and you will see God's hand of help in great and mighty ways.

* Declare like David ...Thou, oh Lord, art a shield for me, my glory and the lifter up of mine head.
* Ask God to turn every negative word of your enemies to celebration and testimony for you.
* Give God thanks because your destiny is not in the enemy’s hand, but in God’s hand.

Father, my going out and coming in today and throughout 2015 is in Your hands, I shall not end my day in a casket, in Jesus’ mighty name.