Wednesday 11 February
Text: Hab 2:1 - 4
MORE LESSON: Psa. 40:7 – 8
For a man’s destiny to be fulfilled he must prayerfully seek God to help him discover himself because the first step in the fulfilment of your glorious destiny is discovery. Until you discover what God has for you in destiny, you will continue to wander aimlessly in life. Anything goes for a man who has not discovered his life purpose and vision. However, when you discover your purpose, you become focused and disciplined because you realise that you cannot do just anything anymore. Without discovery of destiny, there cannot be recovery. Discovery also makes you save time. If a person lives to be a hundred years and for seventy out of those years, he does the wrong things and pursue the wrong vision, it is like he lives forty years.
Jesus lived for thirty three years but because He knew His purpose from day one, He achieved much more than people who lived to be a hundred and twenty. I pray that you will not wander in darkness anymore, but discover your destiny, save time, recover and have a fulfilled life, in Jesus’ name.
The second step in fulfilling destiny is pursuit. You can't stop at discovering your destiny, you must pursue it. There is an idea, talent or vision that is meant to showcase you to the world but you have to diligently work at it. Sharpen and polish that ability by training and consistent use. For Daniel, it was the ability to unravel hard sayings; for Joseph it was the ability to interpret dreams and for David it was the skill of war that God gave to them. God has put inside you what you need to get you to where you are going; discover the seed, talent and engage it until it takes you to where God intends for you. Pursue your vision and destiny, never giving up.
The final step to fulfilment of destiny is that you must defend your glorious destiny. I want you to know that glory has enemies and glorious destinies attract attacks. You have to defend the glory of your destiny so that the enemy will not spoil your glorious achievement. Some don't know the art of glory management; that is, how to maintain and defend the glory that they have attained in destiny, so they lose it as soon as they get it. But that will not be your portion, in Jesus’ name. I release upon you the wisdom to manage and maintain your glorious destiny. The three steps to a glorious destiny are discovery, pursuit and maintenance or defence. As you follow these three steps, you will end up with a fulfilled and glorious destiny.
* Pray that your destiny will not be truncated, delayed or hindered.
* Ask that the fullness of your destiny shall not be hidden from you.
* Pray that your destiny shall be as a shining light that shines more and more.
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Jesus, without You my life is lost; help me not to lose touch with You today and don’t let me fall into my enemy’s trap, in Jesus’ name.
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